My daughter was on waiting list but once she stopped outpatient therapy she had to be removed. And if I was given only liquid (in a bottle) I'd probably gag eating any foods as well, duh it's common sense. I care very deeply for each and every parent and child going through this, that is why I take the time to research, read and post. It seems like no one is really taking any action. She will eat at O'Charley's but she only eats their pasta and she puts all the parsley on her napkin.She had her first date last night and when he asked her where she wanted to eat she responded with "McDonald's." He takes medicine for silent reflux. My ex introduced Pediasure and since he has all but quit eating. I written below & started the non-eating child FB page; but as an update; my son was the same. He wont drink juice or soda and trust me, we have offered. His father and I are divorced. I take care of a handicap child who is 12. Hi Gaby, i wish i could help but all i can feel is your pain. Its been going on for months and months I am worried he is not getting proper nutrition. She chews food and spits it out and won't swallow. My grandson does attend preschool and takes a lunch box drinks a juice. I too am disabled n a single parent, with NO FAMILY, nor form of support either financial oe emotional. most of your comments look like my life, switching to only about 3/4 foods that I will/can eat w/o vomiting/crying/panicking ect.. this started at 4. but can start as early as 2 years old. No one else i know seems to understand. When you eat put some of what you are eating on his plate and of course make a big deal. Before he got this he would eat anything. My 19 month old son with ds used to eat solids, although not all foods but he was gaining weight. She will occasionally have some yogurt and popsicles. A Toddler Isn't Hungry for Breakfast At breakfast, you offer cut up peaches, plain yogurt, and a little toast. We make a very big deal out of him trying new things and he gets very proud. Our son is almost 5 and he drinks about 4 to 6 pediasures a day.still in a baby bottle. My son is almost three and has been in therapy for over six months for SPD. My son is five.. still on formula from a bottle. It is very frustrating and if others judge we have to let it roll of off our shoulders and understand they just have no clue. Symptoms can be a sensitivity to loud sounds, lights, fabrics, oral issues (like eating). Wish you the best with your little one. Our 4 yr old son stopped eating and grunted instead of talking in sentences. I couldn't say enough how great of a place it is! He can't drink fast at all and has a cough after he drinks (nothing serous but she felt it was notable). I just posted on the facebook page you created. He can go hrs without any food. It's hard for him to tell us how he feels. I know that every individual is different but I'd still like to know your son's journey a little better. He is 22 months. Please read the book ", My child was the same. The issue is, pediasure is his main source of calories because other than that he eats bread. what can be done? He is on the 2.0 version it has more fat in it. Sure, we'd all like to have our kids eat whole foods and use fancy oils but we can't starve our kids or force feed them because the problem is beyond being a picky eater and it crushes us daily. My son was not eating at all. He will eat those fine. She has had both speech and feeding therapy since she was 2 years old; to no avail. I feel your frustration and disappointment as we have undergone many tests, therapies and feeding therapy to no avail. So these FAQ blog posts are to be seen like this if our closest friends were to ask our advice, these would be our answers. "My comments in no way referenced children with any disabilities whatsoever". So im happy that you have a grandkid thats eats healthy and i really hope you meant well when you posted but it didn't come off that way. I'm a nurse but I had never heard of SPD before my daughters diagnoses of it when she was 2 1/2 (she is now 8). See if your pediatrician can recommend a feeding therapist. We tried to put him on OT, but it doesn't work. It slow started getting better. my son, who has SPD was sick. His dr. is concerned too because he is not gaining weight. hi traci, was it an OT or speech therapist you used for your sons spd/oral defensiveness? She cant do textures of any kind or she vomits. Around 2 years old he stopped eating any meat and grains. We don't go out and I always try to feed him before going anywhere. Is a completely subjective question that depends upon us, our children as individuals as well as the support and care that is offered to us. We were unable to wean him. This has changed my son within 3 weeks. 3 fish sticks (first time for him), some fries, a cheese stick, a whole wheat pretzel dunked in peanut butter, a whole banana, half an apple, a package of pizza pringle stix, a piece of fruit leather, 5 yogurt cookies, 4 townhouse crackers, dried strawberries and mangoes and a cup of almond milk!. Cindy that's awesome! Every week the therapist asks us to offer him the new foods at home she gives him during therapy. I used to joke nervously about sending my child to school with baby bottles of pediasure. his stomach gets enlarged as if he's a malnutrition child while the rest of his limbs get really skinny. My little guy eats three things however if he only ate junky stuff I would just as worried as you. Learn how we can help. We went through this here are some input to help you. If they don't want it sit it on a table that is about as high as there waist. May I ask,what all did you need to do to get her to eat again? i lost a lot of weight in a bad way. That there is hope and I just need more patience and hopefully soon shell start to eat. Xylitol is not the healthiest of ingredients in human . I pray that your son is thriving. Yes! He doesnt eat. A pediatrics center should be able to help you. Once I started thinking about it, I can see how some oils could help behavioral issues with SPD (like maybe to relaxi never thought about massage before for this). i hope this helps some parent. Especially when others act like you're insane. One of us held him down, the other one put it in his mouth. Now he only eats pediaSure, milk, vanilla pudding with strawberry flavoring added and what he calls Mac N Cheese soup (cream, milk and the powdered cheese) He inspects every bite of the "soup" and pudding to ensure there are "no pieces" He rapidly went from eating Mac N Cheese with noodles, to just swallowing the noodles rather than chewing them, to just the liquid. From no chocolate milk to bribing him with his favorite things. @momof1- my daughter went into a special pre-k class when she was 3 at our local district elementary school due to her sensory and ADHD issues and it helped her tremendously in every area except eating! So follow your gut, talk to other parents and figure it out on your own. Milk and juice are the survival guides. Or 50%50% greens and Fruit, perfectly ripened before turning alcoholic. We will all get through this. grrr.. We have done all types of therapies but she STILL doesnt eat. My son is severely autistic, and learning disabled. !Try a bite an or even just touch it to your lips an you can do some thing she likes..I'm working on consistency.Its a long process they tell me.I'm a Mom an it scares me to death!Just know your not alone. They put him on pediasure night time feedings. As a result she has to wear pull ups at night as she will wet the bed, which is very embarrassing to her. Do you even have a child with sensory issues, or do you just want to rant against Big Business? My child is 5 yrs old. Then pay a specialist out of pocket for a diagnosis and push on from there. My 5 year old daughter has struggled with her eating since about a year old (she actually ate really well before that). This has been this way since the beginning. will it resolve itself? You wouldn't believe the foods he has started eating.and a lot of it. Any suggestions for me? I kept insisting that there was something more until I finally got her tested for allergies ( all kinds). Would love to be in contact with anyone who has anything to offer as a suggestion other than, "have you tried offering him food?" I understand that some parents really do not try or seek help but for those of us that do and still have issues, there needs to be an understanding and acceptance that this is something that is beyond anyone's control. This is my son. Once he reached high school was he finally was able to move to drink from a pop top which was somewhat more socially appropriate! They just keep trying and we do too. I feel like he feels bad all of the time cause he's always hungry.hoping to get some answers soon. My som daughter told me to take everything from he and he will eat.Why would I starve my child. Everybody we know exactly what all you other parents are going through.Our son was diagnosed with ALL Cancer(Leukemia) when he was 5 yrs old.He was on 4 to 5 different medications daily,7 days a week for 4 solid yrs straight.He is 11 yrs old now and we think all the medication he was on for 4 yrs messed his eating ways up.He only has ever ate 4or5 different kinds of food,thats everyday.He has never ate a hotdog,hamburger,steak,porkchops ,any food like that,but other than that he is fine but we still worry so much about this problem. Thanks again for sharing your storiesit helps to know I'm not alone. Humans should not be having problems simply to eat food. I think it should be explored in alot of cases. Should I just give it some time since he just injured himself. However, I feel like that might have been a bad idea. Sorry to hear so many people going through this. He too takes pediasure, but that is because he was and has always been under weight. I get so scared for us sometimes, that im not sure what we r going to do to make it by. Hello I have grandson with dandy-walker syndrome.He is 4 years old.I take green beans.carrots pudding,banannas,Fresh Broccolli,and milk.Drain the can goods and then wash them.I puree them until they are liquid. How is your son now? I don't know what more I can do. In light of that, some pediatricians might recommend introducing selected yogurts as early as 6 months. They use a behavioral approach, but it works wonders. He will eat most fruits, bread products, yoghurt. He also likes pudding,ice cream and little pieces of chips,little tiny pieces. Trust me, my 2 year old would not eat anything. My son just turned 3 and still refusing solids. we finally got him to eat popcorn chicken, he eat yogurt it has to be smooth, he will eat dry fruit loops, wavy potato chips, and i give him pedia sure and make him shakes when he wont eat, he has acid re flux so he wont eat anything spicy. Shes 18 months old and will eat very limited itemsflat out refuses to actually taste anything. He also doesnt feed himself I have to feed him. Has anyone been through this and what did you do??? My son also has a history of reflux and chronic ear infections. My son, 3 1/2, was diagnosed with SPD as well as ASD but now its looking like he may just be profoundly SPD although they say its too soon to really know. He will eat mushrooms, potatoes, spinach occasionally but no fruit at all and barely any meat, fish or eggs. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. This has been going on since early childhood. My three-year-old goes to feeding therapy and they told me that those with severe sensory issues in their mouth will gravitate towards 4 things. I have come across what they call SED (selective eating disorder) go to this website and you will see a lot of info. She also spit some out in the toilet. She also has a choc milk daily. my son refused to take sippy cup or cup. Then at 2 years he just woke up & refused ALL baby food & all yogurt. I'm hoping that some day this will change. I am so glad to find other moms out there who are going through the same or similar situation, I am just so tired of seeing other moms faces when I tell them that my 20 month old toddler will not eat and listening to them saying thats weird my baby eats so much. I have an non-eating child thats only on a pedisure diet and she's nineteen months, we are currently on a waiting list to be enrolled in to a feeding clinic that will help resolve this problem, Im very interested in talking to any parents with similar problems, about what they are doing to help their child cope with these issues. But I am scared for him I think I should just stop the pediasure and see if he eats more. For every parent who us experiencing this nightmare, please recognize one factor, that alot if you might not want to acknowledge. How is it our "PROFESSIONALS" we turn to arent even educated enough to help educate us with our most precious commodities???? .. they referred me to a pediatric neurologist. hello iam a parent to a 6 year old child that nearly choked a couple of weeks ago.he stopped eating all his favorite foods and cried when he tried, because he said he was afraid of choking again.well thanks to my husband my son is eating again. A neurological disorder is brain damage because your brain is not functioning to its full potential. Good luck! My daughter used to be a good eater but after a bout with strep throat she has basically quit eat anything she said it taste funny I don't know what to do its been almost a week without food she eats ice and maybe apple sauce please any tips you can contact me on Facebook @Cindy Coleman please help I am worried sick about her, Thank you for the advice! We ended up putting him on a special formula because of it. No one had ever mentioned to us about a sensory issue so first thing in the morning I'm calling the ped for a referral. Sometimes I think he appreciates getting them himself. Please know that although you are a minority, you are soooooo not alone! Our son is 6 now and he'll eat, it at least try, just about anything. my daughter is 3 years now and have autism she used to eat normal like any other child but when she turned 2 years she stopped eating everything,she has been living on just milk for more than one year im feeling so down i have tried all methods with her but if you oblige her she becomes angry and aggressive i just wonder how she can live just on liquid thats really so hard for me to believe. A recent study found that babies as young as 9 months old may be able to eat yogurt. Hi, I'm sorry you're going through this with your daughter. Is offered a cup of milk but never drinks it. I thinl seeing a doc is a good step but trying to incorporate/hide more nutritious foods in what he does eat, like vege, beans, nuts, may also be a good step. What no one can figure out though is how you get a person to eat that has no interest in it. My friends son, mikie, has noonan syndrome. She's very petite but not underweight so I guess that is good anyway Praying that our children will start to eat eventually! I can tell that you have too. He will eat number 3 fruit and vegetables pureed baby food but not his favorite food. I love him so much, but I'm at my wits end with him. With my son we ended up seeing a developmental physician who gave a number of tests (more psychological, physical) and she had an intense interview with me and then they diagnosed him w/ SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). My son is 4 1/2 turning 5 November 24 he is the exact same, we have done OT, ST and we have done the feeding program and he still doesnt eat, he is drinking his pediasure grow & gain vanilla flavor only from his bottle still, the only foods he eats is bananas, watermelon, sometimes strawberries, ice cream and Hersheys chocolate and he drinks a lot of water. I am so grateful for your comments. Can't mix it because the foods he eats aren't "mix able". has been diagnosed with ASD. But by ALL MEANS I will try that. She hasnt ate anything solid for about 10 months now. After reading all these posts I'm hopeful though. It's been frustrating trying to get him to eat food. Please keep me posted about your son! Such a simple diagnosis that has caused so many feeding issues throughout the years. Won't "dip" his food in anything either but I think alot of little kids are like that. He has been on pediasure for most of his life. I hope that things get better for her, for you and your mom too! I have tried everything with no avail. Sometimes I feel like sending his baby bottles with him to school so that he at least drinks his pediasure because he refuses to eat anything at school and he's there full day and by the time he gets home in the afternoon he is starving and drinks about 16oz of his pediasure all at once. If you are worried that your child is only eating a few foods, I recommend writing down everything they eat for a few weeks. He has Bern on pediasure since he was 1 and refuses to eat anything but French fries, String cheese and yogurt. You should check out the ARFID/ SED Stateside support group on facebook. Much luck w your 3 yr old! Hi, For some reason I got an email saying there was a new comment on this board but there wasn't. Many blessings to you and your family :). I cannot believe it has taken 5 years to diagnose him. Be blessed, Amy. I asked her if she wanted to make her own lunch and she made a sandwich with a half of piece of bread and the smallest amount of peanut butter you could ever put on a sandwich. Its ridiculous. He is high functioning but socially there are a lot of hurdles to work with. Thanks for the suggestion about the spinning plate! Im Happiness I have a 3 yr old son he cant chew foods nor bite them he only eats liquids foods, ive been to the therapists and found nothing, did barrium swallow everything, he likes to gag whenever he feels a lump in his mouth, please help me as this is really stressing me out, I just wish to see him biting foods, chewing them, swallowing them. MY TWO GIRLS WHO ARE ON THE SPECTRUM ONE WHO HAS aSPERGERS AND MY YOUNGEST GIRL WHO HAS PDD , ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, WITH MY SON THIS IS ALL VERY NEW AND DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. It looks like something that holds the air in a float! :). Trust with your child is the most important thing. My grandson has lived with me and his parents since birth. At first we thought this would be something he would outgrow in time. Try anti acids meds for one month to see if anything changes. This helps to set up a good eating . If still eating nothing then supplement. He just had no interest in food anymore, he would gag.He was diagnosed with Autism at 1yrs old. They can probably help you find a medical professional that understands what is going on with your child and can help. 3 to four pedia sures a day and it can't be the one with fiber! The only type of yogurt that shouldn't cause problems is strained yogurt . Please look into trying Young Living Essential Oils. People with neurological disorders may deal with things differently. Clonidine is a blood pressure medication and it will cause anyone with normal blood pressure to develop low blood pressure, and which you become dizzy and nauseous. once you forcefully get past the teeth the issue is swallowing. I have to hide the bottle before feeding him and then give it to him quickly so that he doesn't throw up. We've tried everything to get him to try new foods but he has such a intense fear of trying something new that we have held off on trying. He doesn't like eating. And I just know its affecting her. Tough love. Don't coerce or bribe a child to eat. My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. You are not alone. We slowly removed the foods and saw a big difference! We've never tried the "starve" method. His day finishes with two or three more for his supper. My son is 2 and a half years old now, and still doesn't chew, and doesn't like to eat. Please Help! Parents with younger kids (2 and up):Work with an Occupational Therapist who understands sensory integration sooner than later. I wanted to that w my daughter, the intensive feeding program! Activia is one of the few best brands of yogurt you will find and owned by Groupe Danone. Most doctors recommend that you introduce yogurt to your baby at this age. I know malanga is a pretty starchy root vegetable so there must be some liquid when you blend it. She is 9 and has always been a fussy eater! You are not crazy and your child needs your support. my granddaughter don't fit in this category but she does have a sensory problem and wont eat anything but mash potatoes and that all she lives on and drinks pedicure which cost $40 a case and we need help.she needs to go to Colorado for therapy please let me no how we can get money to help everyone she ask its based on your income well that wrong cause if she wasn't in need we would not be asking .please help my email address is Good luck, OHCs -x. Dont forget to read ourdisclaimer. My daughter can eat like 2 or 3 bites out of her food she says she can't eat the whole thing because she feels like she's gonna throw up but she says she's always hungry but can't eat I need advice !! If he likes it great, if he doesn't no big deal. My email is For a child that will not try food to save his life. she gags looking at my fingernails or any kind of normal food like pizza in front of her sometimes she actually throws up looking at it. This has been his main source along with stage 2 baby foods of nutrition. We have now stopped bottles and now I cant get him to drink any milk. Hope to hear from you soon! However, if it becomes to the detriment of their development and/or nutrition it is important to seek help and guidance so well done in acknowledging this. When he was a baby he ate just about everything. For a few months he would eat yogurt and other baby food purees, but he never chewed anything solid. Good luck to you! My grandson is 4 and will not eat any food at all. "We have had advice from a child psychologist who says we shouldn't worry and eventually he should grow out of it. He does drink a lot of milk. He was under weight at the age of 3. He was not like other babies who grabbed food when they see it. Me did a therapy with a speech doctor, a course of OT at home, and a lots and lots of various messy crafts and DIY activities. None have any progress. Good luck other moms the forcing my child to eat backfired and he didn't eat a thing for almost a month so yeah if he's getting pedia sur down it keeps him off the tube and he's at least eating the listed above so thanks moms for making me realize we are not the only ones! Usually no one has ever heard of it before, most people will eat pureed foods or mashed potatos. I originated this post years ago and now my daughter will be 11 in January and still gets 95% of her nutrients from vanilla with fiber generic pediasure. Now our delima is we make to much to get help and yet we do not make enough to keep paying hundreds of dollars an hour for feeding therapy which BTW does NOT work. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 3 teaspoons, or 12.5 grams, of added sugar per day for children ages 4 to 8. And for those who have previously emailed me at I have a new email now it is He'll lick crackers and munchers and that's about it. Hes non stop moving & burns off every thing he takes in. Is 30 grams of protein too much for a child. He understands what chewing means, however, the actual motion is a physical impossibility most times. My son is very similar to your son, although he's not autistic; but he is 5 years old & has never had solid foods. "When we try to give him something he just screams.". He refuse to eat meat, vegetables or even fruits. My 10 year old is a type 1 diabetic so i understand the worry About carbs and lows and highs! After a few times of doing this, he took his milk with the meds without me threatening him. Many people don't want to hear this, but homeschooling may be the only option while your child is on the GAPS diet. He still does not understand how to use a sippy cup or cup. My son is 8 years old, he met all his developmental milestones and never gave me any feeding problems until about 15 mos old. He use to lick favors off of chips and etc. I HAVE 3 CHILDREN 2 OF WHICH ARE ON THE AUSTISM SPECTRUM. IM NOT SURE WHAT TO DO ABOUT HIM SEEMING TO BE PAINED WHEN TOUCHED AND REALLY HAVE NO CLUE OF WHAT TO DO ABOUT EATING. He will only lick Doritos and triscuits. He will eat Doritos as long as there only Nacho and I am relived that other people are going through this! she just said make the pudding and put butter in it. Along these lines, a slimy, crunchy or uneven texture (think: yogurt with fruit chunks in it) can raise a child's red flags. Someone on here said to use oils and I have..but yet nothing. I have a beautiful, gentle 19 month grandson who refuses to eat with a spoon.He also walks on his tippie toes. Does anyone have a child as bad as mine. We did this before our son turned 3yrs old. He's a lot smaller than his age, we enrolled him in different sports like soccer and baseball to see if he's going to be tired and hungry and want anything or something but still did not succeed. There is nothing physically wrong with my 4 1/2 year old; he just will NOT chew/eat ANYTHING but Pediasure, smooth, vanilla yogurt. Every time he sees food, he runs and go hide somewhere.. My daughter just turned 6 years old last month. She says that medicines make her feel as if she is a "chemical.". Us too as well. It is amazing how many kids love french fires, isn't it? Then 1 day he refused baby food (at the end he was down to 2 selections). I am looking for help in the Tampa, Fl to Orlando, Fl areaor even beyond. Also, no ibuprofen right now. My son has refused to be fully potty trained since we started when he was a toddler. My son still drinks out of bottles but also can do sippy cups but he he can't handle a #4 nipple or else he chokes. Which means no vege. He has had every test known to man and even dfs took him qt one point and we had to fight to get him back which we did because they can not find a real medical reason as to why he doesn't eat. For us, pediasure helps keep the weight on but all food is still a major challenge. The pediasure alone was to much for his stomach. All she eats is apple banana and strawberry baby GERBER FOOD. Ok I learn something new everyday glad to know what SPD IS!! We saw a ST for over a year with no progress however she thought since he wasn't "too" skinny that he was fine. I wrote some time ago. I give him vitamins and he occasionally will drink milk for me, but lately he eats very little and complains that his stomach hurts or he's gonna throw up. he used to eat his favorite homemade food such as cooked rice, soup, soft meats, chicken, fish, mashed potatoes food than fast- food up til' he got his medications for his low growth. He drinks 6-8 pediasure each day. i think its only in his mind that its hurting him to eat. It was only when the dr. threatened to force feed me that I got scared enough to eat. It's good for babies 6 months and older to eat yogurt because it's nutritional and beneficial. We have not progressed very much although she will take bites of chicken nuggets and a McDonalds plain hamburger. I would talk to a pedi neuro for more insight. Keep doing food therapy and once she becomes 10 or 12 look into therapy for ARFID. He literally has never had anything beyond pured food and a little stage 3 but he gags and vomits which makes me so sad. Talk to your Pediatritian. He went for 5 days and hardly ate a thing. Jen kyser stl, mo, Hello everyone! I put him on pediasure for over 2 years which cost me so much money. posted by Martyna on November 25, 2021. Vanilla yogurt can be used everywhere. Very helpful but when insurance stops paying. Still is very picky and very texture sensitive example won't eat yogurt with lumps etc. He has had Kawasaki Disease, has apraxia speech disorder at one point was diagnosed with autism but now I think there saying not any longer. We have done all types of therapies but she STILL doesnt eat. He will eat pizza, several cereals, waffles, pancakes, french fries, and boxed macaroni and cheese. MyLO cannot afford to not eat due to weight gain issues so it can be challenging not to give in and give him what he will really enjoy but it's for the better.Otherwise, you endup like my kids . She will only drink liquids like Pediasure, yogurts, juice,.watee. That invites rebellion. I believe that nutritional deficiencies and toxicity are at the core of this problem and the more they eat only junk the more deficient and toxic they become making them extremely imbalanced. But at least it worked and now your child is eating! Any tips or suggestions would be very welcome! One day he just stopped eating. I can't see the light !!! i barely ate for months after that, fearing that i would choke too. I will never go back to pediasure, yes, it is a meal replacement that is high in sugar. Give me some hope! He cannot afford to lose any weight. This must have been killing brain cells left and right. Any advise will be very much appreciated. e.g. We are down to 3 things: chicken nuggets, spaghetti, and m&ms. I obviously knew he had some quirks or specifics but Dr kept saying he'll eat when he's hungry. He is a happy, healthy, active boy, not exhibiting signs/symptoms otherwise characteristic of Autism. He has never eaten anything he had to chew. my daughter drinks 6 pediasure per day ( at least!) if you used a reward, what was it and how did you explain it? I invite you all to join our Facebook group. I mean, everyone knows what good nutrition is. Any one go through this?? He survives on formula. Excessive fluid intake. My heart is so heavy for my son. I have a 23 months old who just eat little r nothing am worry that the things he intake doesn't give im the amount of nutrition he need. He refused to try any new food, used to run away from the table if there was something unfamiliar and smelled differently. What do I dobfor him??? You are certainly not alone. He has an upcoming well baby appt close to the end of this month where I will discuss this on going issue with his doctor. My princess weighs 29lbs ans is a little short for her age, but all children don't grow the same. He will only eat yogurt, peanut butter crackers, chips, assorted crackers, fries, porridge, drink pediasure and smoothies ( I have to force this most times); he will only eat foods with smooth texture except sweet potatoes, he absolutely hates sweet potatoes. While probiotic supplements have a guaranteed CFU at expiry, yogurt does not - and in . Yogurt doesn't have a guaranteed CFU at expiry. He eats everyday but is naturally thin and tall. Ibuprofen causes complications if he gets covid-19. I have a 25 month old who has been a extreme picky eater since about 14 months? Refusal to sit at the table. First, plain or non-fat yogurt may provide probiotic benefits as well serve as an excellent source of minerals like calcium. I have panic attacks whenever I get over-stimulated and it's horrible. It took me about two years of consistent research (and a lot of prayer!) Mr Glarvey said : "We were really worried about Bobby but the experts have told us he will grow out of it eventually . she used to eat everything at anytime and just one day she tells she cant eat anything its been almost 2 weeks and doctors haven't found anything.. The dr.s also were telling me for years there wasnt n e thing wrong with Tomoka. The semifluid fermented milk food yogurt is also spelled yoghurt, or yoghourt. Diagnose that he had several patients with same problem. Have any of you tried Young Living Essential Oils? Image of smiling, stained - 31600739. He ate all baby veggies and fruits and cereals. He was diagnosed with Autism at age two. :). he eats only certain brands of yogurts and just banana baby food stage 2. this is not your fault and if school is on your case just print out the string of messages on this board begging for help. My knee jerk reaction was to stop him, but I didn't. Anyway my email is Simply click here to return to, Help! His father Craig, a lorry driver said: "Bobby is really lively and bright but he is under weight and very tiny and it's because he won't eat other food. I try to give him but he is not interesting for food. Especially when my cooking and hard work end up in the bin most nights. He has had pyloric stenosis, Also had heart surgery at 3 days old. Mealtimes should not be stressed or forced. You need to eat the rest of your dinner now." If she refuses to eat anything else, then when you all are finished with dinner, she is too. her doctor doesn't seem too concerned either. Thanks! He will not look at food ON a plate, or touch a. Knowing how to do this has saved so many battles with her. He loved french fries and chips, both of which cause HEATOX/Acrylamide. So worried he's goi g to end up with a tube. I am not sure they are related, My daughter was born with Pierre Robin syndrome, and she has a g tube, and she also only drink vanilla pediasure, everything else she lucks as well, now she has acid reflux and we are going threw hell, please if there's anyone out there that knows what's good for a 3 yr old with a bad cough , please let me know cause every med. Hes probably getting more than enough protein with the chocolate milk but I understand the sugar concerns. Praying this works well for you! But will not chew NOTHING!! If your child looses weight child family services will be called on you. We started taking him to an OT for feeding therapy a year agohe was 3 at the time. Tge reason is at the age of 10, my mom choked on a vitamin and almost didn't make it. His diet mostly consisted of cheese sticks, yogurt, fruits, potato fries, crackers and cookies. Best wishes! She gets to where she won't even drink at times. I have literally tried everything. He has a pulmonary stenosis. Sprinkle a bit on a healthier alternative such as an unsweetened cereal or home-cooked porridge. anything mixed with something else. But now i have nothing to replace it with and I'm kind of freaking out as it's been almost a week of this and noticing weight loss. Hi - to those who have a child with Type 1 Diabetes that won't eat.I am in the same boat. Until now just milk is what he wants. How many serves of fruit does my child need? Hie my son well be 4 hes been diaganose with down syndrome and all he eats is pediasure vanilla he got a bad stomach flu and started pushing puree food away my concern is his teeth he drinks more of it from a bottle at night and his breath stinks horrible his teeth r bad and it took me 3 months to get an appointment for his teeth now im worried about the anestisia and i now there gonna have to take out teeth i just dont now wat to do. This has been a very big struggle for my family. He will however eat grapes and apple. He will sit with food in his mouth forever not swallowing. 0 Search for a thread Anonymous But, I want him to go back to eating solid food like he used to when he was 1 year old. Everything tastes different, and he complains the cafeteria food is not good. My son gains weight on Pediasure, and Boost Jr. Our children need help! my son is 17 months now he was premature, from beginning i have a problem with feeding, now he doesnt like food and he is not eating at all he just have bottle 3 times a day. She seems to only want to eat bread, cheese, yogurt, egg, chips and biscuits. Doritos is about the only chips he eats. I have a 3yr. Kelly, i would get him an OT eval asap! I too have a picky eater. Ezra will be 2 on the 17th. Knows when he is hungry and wants a cup but will scream if any food is introduced. Do not blame your spouse- they are feeling as helpless as you- you need to lift each other up! Been to feeding therphy had gi scope done we dont know what to do he only eats a few breads or grain products or yogurt & not alot & not all the time. My 6 year old ASD son just gave up eating regular foods and would only eat oikos greek vanilla yogurt and vanilla pediasure for about 5 weeks. I am so amazed at the stories I have been reading on this site. How? Hi my 6 year old autistic son stopped eating 6 weeks ago, he insists there is something in his throat but doctors have checked and said it's clear, I'm at my wits end I'm so worried, hes so thin, his lips are dry and bleeding. He states off in space when I try to feed him. He's not losing weight and his pediatrician isn't much help. Heart breaking to read all of these comments. This is far more than a simple case of "picky eater" syndrome. We have our daughter sit at the dinner table and drink her Pediasure sometimes she will take bites or licks of what I'm serving but other times she refuses. Been reading up on the affects of milk in the gut with children with ASD and have seen this may be a good thing as inflammation is a major issue with milk. Does your daughter have packed lunches or school dinners? He goes to bed hungry and wakes up hungry. He eats fruit snacks granola bars toast , pb and jelly , grill cheese, chicken nuggets breaded only, pizza is his fav and pizza rolls. I feel so defeated most days. I still don't have any solutions. He detected it right awayso I took out the syringe and saideither you drink your milk or you take the medicine with the syringe again. Good luck to you! All they need is Love. thanks for your comment! 9. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. As a health food, consuming yogurt every day can give your body a huge boost. He can have prime rib and all. He eats no meat, no chicken, no vegetables. Try putting the food put in the blender!Have him also play with the blended food before eating it! My son went from eating pretty much just peanut butter sandwiches and hot dogs to where we are now. He stopped eating solids all together. I wish I could get him to drink pediasure. Emilie-Lea Hayward refuses to eat any solid food and becomes hysterical. I worried what to do when he starts school next year :-(. After the 8 weeks they keep you in weekly outpatient visits to continue the improvement. If n e one knows of a dairy free substitute for pediasure let me know. He had been diagnosed with severe autism. He then went on eating jags of yogurt, vanilla cake or veggie sticks. I know how hard kids are with this disorder because we have struggled with my granddaughter but we just offer her VERY healthy options and we allowed her to help prepare it and she will usually eat or drink it if she has a help in the preparation. I'm so desperate just for him to eat that I let him eat m&ms before he goes to school just so he has something in his stomach because he doesn't eat during the day. The toddler has been diagnosed with a rare food phobia that means he can't bear to have any lumpy food in his mouth. Its so easy to point a finger and judge unfortunately compassion and understanding are becoming obsolete in this world, as your post shows. He is the cases the autism community, and media don't like talking about. Do not try forcing these things in there mouth to the point there scared of them. He had the flu/norovirus and stopped drinking his nutritional drink which is 99% of his calories. She doesn't eat veggies but does like activia, green label! Old who eats no meat pep. On the opposite side, bad things can also happen if your dog was to eat an excessive amount of . Has anyone tried the intensive feeding clinics and if so, were they helpful? Now it is a reality. One day last June (2011) he stopped eating ALL food & has therefore been on Pediasure for the last year. And if nothing is working at all, go back to the doctor's office and insist that they help. He has been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. Help! It's called ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. its good to know that im not alone in this most people look at me so strangely when i tell them my daughter doesn't eat My child was the same way. Hes eating and thats most important. Stock Photos; Editorial; Illustrations; Videos; . Any suggestions would be appreciated. Continue to offer foods again and again, they need to taste a food 10-20 times before you can accept they dont like it, Make meal times relaxing, choose a fun & stimulating. He too mainly only eats stage 3 baby food, yogurt, applesauce, and milk. Every new thing is cause for celebration in our house. How is his weight and over all health? Oh, and sometimes he will eat a pretzel or chicken nuggets. he sees a occupational therapist for feeding issues and sensory issues but to this point has not really helped, I tell myself i will just stop trying maybe when he's in school he will see other kids eat and want to do the same, but after seeing that there are kids here up to age 7 that still have the same problem just makes me more frustrated, I really hope we can find the answer to this feeding, sensory issues. But if they see through it, your up a creek. I love her to death . So he has been living off of pediasures his whole little life. We now have a pump and an NG tube at home. She developed the sensory food disorder later in life after mouth problems made it too sore to brush her teeth right or eat. Don't force your child to eat or force feed them. Google the resource for kids and see what you think about it. I have a 11 year old son with SPD. Everything else in between is a no-no for him. You have no idea how much your words mean. If you are already dealing with a yeast infection, then consuming sugars in general should be avoided since it will only help the fungus grow more quickly. I'm not 100% sure that I have SPD, but I do have really severe sensory issues. I thought I was the only one dealing with this! He only drinks water. She rejects most veg, fruit and many dishes like bolognese/pies/stews which include hidden veg. I too have a three yr. old son who cannot chew. Here are a few other tips and tricks that may help: We hope this has helped and provided you with some strategies that may encourage acceptance and enjoyment of all your delicious home cooked food. WE need to figure out the common denominatorno one else seems to be. Firstly, to help reassure you a little it is very common for toddlers to display some kind of fussy eating and food refusal behaviour. She will only lick or suck on the popsicles though, she refuses to bite it. 08:18 EST 26 Jun 2008 Another thing to note he has been tentatively diagnosed with asthma and he has eczema pretty bad - he has always had it but within the past 4 weeks he has had it so bad so we are seeing an allergist march 8th. I have a 3 year old autistic child who refuses to eat. My son was exactly like your daughter - would only eat smooth yogurt, milk and apple sauce. She now takes drugs for nearly every metabolic function. My son is 2.3 years and it has been 9 months that he eats only crackers, yogurt and sometimes drink juice. He will eat yogurt,very few Doritos,a few fries after pinches off ends. One more thing worth mentioning, 2 moms I know had success with inpatient, intense workshop feeding therapy. He had just begun to eat baby food, and really seemed to like sweet potatoes, vanilla custard, and Hawaiian delight. I hope n pray with all that's in me it will work!! He is an excellent escape artist! Zoie is still not eating. I was told he is on a waiting list for home services. They were fine. This snack consists of frozen or dehydrated yogurt that is portioned into small pieces. God bless to all!! Your child is gravitating towards saltiness because it is a sensoy input. My son is 6. And when they STOP eating they become more imbalanced. You may want to contact early intervention services in your area and ask them how to go about getting a real diagnosis. Thats why diagnosis is difficult at young ages. Amy (& others); wanted to give you an update on my son after his 10 weeks in the intensive feeding program (8-3 Mon-Fri). His speech therapist was supposed to help with the food issue, but it never helped. When to Give Your Baby Yogurt Many doctors suggest introducing yogurt between 9 and 10 months of age. Always offer healthy foods and see what happens after 4-7 days. I'm wondering if there is a connection? He won't drink anything other than water. When a child will only eat soft or pureed foods, such as bananas, cream cheese, PB&J, yogurt, for example. We dont know what to do. It was his first spoon fed while chewing he suddenly felt something pain inside his mouth and spit the food. After talking with the pediatrician I just decided to stop trying to get him to eat new food and to let him eat what he wanted and supplement his nutrition with the shakes. We've been to every expert and to a top feeding clinic in the country. We need a panel of parents and professionals who can push the right buttons to seek funding for research! I honestly dont know what to do, please HELP!!! Its so frustrating to feel like there is nothing you can do. My son is ASD and will only eat yogurt apart from weetabix in the morning. Then he suddenly quit eating. Fruit Snacks, fish crackers , bread, and some times its not often. My grandson will be 8 years in July. Reflux can cause pain, nausea, and is not always visible. Try to make sure snacks are at least 1 hour away from meal times to ensure he has an appetite for his main meal. Please email me, My 8 year old twins have never eaten a proper meal.not interested in food.only love chocolate and custard.very energetic .the girls are short so it has affected there height as well as there weight.Have been told since they were tube fed as babies they may not thrive.You need to see a throat speciist, my daughters throats were to small,making it impossible to swallow .drs don't yet know weather to operate or not yet as they r so young.massive risks involved.good luck.remember mothers are ways right,fight for your child/children .never ever give up.your their voice . I feel so stressed out every time we go OT, because feel like they blame me for not offer enough opportunities for my son to eat hard, crunchy foods and self feed himself. He had RSV at 9 months old. I am at loss what to do. Vicky, I can totally relate--I wrote below, but my son will be 3 next week & since last June has ONLY drank Pediasure Strawberry. Thank you for any suggestions. But it seems the more teeth that came in, the less food he'd eat. rewards with food wont work with this one because he doesn't care. There is hope. We spent time in Children's Institute in Pittsburgh. My child has sensory disorder, has not been diagnosed with autism yet, but it has been 2 years he is on pediasure only and crackers, and one type of yougurt only the baby yougurt one, I lost my hope, therapies don't help!!! Join us on facebook- just search "non eating child"..e may be someone that is going through the same thing you are! He isn't losing weight, he is thriving better in school, his behaviour is actually better as well. He sees an OT 6 times a month and is being seen by a gastroenterologist. We worked with one who ate lunch with my son once a week for about 9 months. I have also done tons of different therapy to help correct what I feel is a major problem. Off pizza. Im in the same boat. However if you are at all concerned about the nutritional adequacy of your childs diet, his food refusal persists or are worried about his growth progress please consult your medical practitioner, an Accredited Practising Dietitian or child and family health nurse. We are currently trying the honey bear sippy cup also, I'm about to read What's Eating Your Child. comment please, My grand daughter was a very good eater ,candy never had enough this year after the flu shot she got a cold that lasted few month and lost appetite for everything no breakfast only juice in school for lunch yogurt and the candy she holds to it. Side Effects of Too Much Yogurt Here are five possible side effects of eating too much yogurt. What I do with my picky eater is I create smoothies with the Nutribullet and secretly throw vegetables that do not have a strong flavor such a spinach in it. Today, cold yogurt has a variety of flavors for babies to enjoy. It only lasted about 2 months. Your child will only eat candy, sweets, and other junk. I will try it! He only drinks vanilla pedia sure, French fries not the burnt ones, trix yougart Only, ! he told me that this disorder was only in his head, so what my husband did was he had abox of breath right strips you know the ones that help you breath by opening your nose passage. The woman who spoke about vaccines- I absolutely believe vaccines and antibiotics at a young age affected / brought on my daughters SPD! . My son would only eat Chicken Nuggets and PB & J sandwiches. Same thing, if we tried to give him vanilla or chocolate, he'd refuse it & have a fit. My 5 year old son will only eat soft foods and those foods are limited to about 10 things. Soo many of the comments say things likehe/she will only eat/drink chocolate milk, pizza, hot dogs, chips, pop tarts, chicken nuggets etc. Your child drinks up to 90 ounces of fluids per day and eats minimal amounts of solid food. Your toddler only eats the peaches and throws the rest onto the floor and smears the yogurt all over. Dose any one else have this problem? At the end of it, he would eat a chicken nugget which was life changing for us! Only if they can come and see I have tons of crunchy, chewy snacks for him, but he just doesn't like to eat. They associate food with pain. 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