XFCE is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems and it's good choice for PCs/Laptops that don't have powerful hardware. Since its release, HP announced it as the default desktop environment for Unix systems and it remained as the de facto standard till 2000 when environments like KDE, GNOME were starting to evolve. 10 Commands to Collect System and Hardware Info in Linux, 3 Command Line Tools to Install Local Debian (.DEB) Packages, How to Install and Use dig and nslookup Commands in Linux, Nethogs Monitor Linux Network Traffic Usage Per Process, 5 Useful Ways to Do Arithmetic in Linux Terminal, Goto Quickly Navigate to Aliased Directories with Auto-Completion Support, 9 Useful Commands to Get CPU Information on Linux, BCC Dynamic Tracing Tools for Linux Performance Monitoring, Networking and More, nload Monitor Linux Network Bandwidth Usage in Real Time, How to Add Windows Host to Nagios Monitoring Server, How to Install Icinga2 Monitoring Tool on Debian, How To Install Pandora FMS Monitoring Tool in Ubuntu 18.04, How to Download MP3 Tracks from a YouTube Video Using YouTube-DL, 11 Ways to Find User Account Info and Login Details in Linux, Easily Correct a Typo of Previous Command Using Carat (^) Symbol, 3 Ways to List All Installed Packages in RHEL, CentOS and Fedora, How to Set Static IP Address and Configure Network in Linux, 12 Useful PHP Commandline Usage Every Linux User Must Know, 15 Best Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Programs for Linux, 10 Best Flowchart and Diagramming Software for Linux, The 10 Top GUI Tools for Linux System Administrators, 16 Open Source Cloud Storage Software for Linux in 2020. Thus two of the main components of Linux Distributions are Kernel and Desktop Environment. About. (without using as much ram). To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Window Maker is an open-source and free X11 window manager initially aimed to offer integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment, although it can run independently. The initial development of CDE was a joint effort of HP, IBM, Sunsoft, and USL who released it under the name Common Open Software Environment (COSE). If you want a simple mainstream disto to install with minimal memory look at Fedora's LXQT spin or Lubuntu. What services? [raspberry-vi] Re: OT Debian Desktop. 0. Latest release is LXQt 1.0.0. I've been through several Linux CLI/intro trainings, but I haven't yet tried it for daily use. And, as Karan suggested, ratpoison and I3 should be on this list rather than KDE, Mate, GNOME or Unity. The Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) is a complete lightweight software desktop environment created for Unix-like operating systems, intended for personal computer users preferring a conventional desktop model. Thanks for your article. He also loves to write how-to articles, applications reviews and loves to use new Linux distributions. FluxBox is a stacking window manager that was originally forked from BlackBox in 2001, very simple and lightweight and it works on many platforms. OpenBox a good window manager for those who like simplicity. . If you do this on Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop, there is an additional step. Its multilingual support, attractive interface, and wide range of features make it a remarkable choice for Linux users globally. Thanks for the suggestion, added Trinity Desktop to the list. Themes, plugins, and modules are all used to customize Cinnamon. Hosting Sponsored by : Linode Cloud Hosting. Unless you establish benchmarks then you are unlikely to get comparable data. if it's only low memory usage, while keeping all of it's core usability, then why not use a windows manager or WM for short? Ive updated the following article to reflect the changes I believe are a better choice. The Trinity desktop is available with the Q4OS Linux distribution. KDE is one of the most popular desktop environments out there. Best RDP (Remote Desktop) Clients for Linux, How to Install Latest LXQt Desktop in Ubuntu and Fedora, How to Install Latest Mate Desktop in Ubuntu and Fedora, How to Install Latest Cinnamon Desktop in Ubuntu and Fedora, How to Install Latest XFCE Desktop in Ubuntu and Fedora, 13 Open Source Linux Desktop Environments of 2021, Bring back the lubuntu-desktop (not qt). I think the goal of the menu design was to accommodate a first time user who has no experiential background to chose a specific desktop. Some major Linux distributions that use GNOME as their preferred desktop environment are Fedora, Pop!_OS, OpenSUSE, Debian, and Ubuntu. Have a question or suggestion? Developed as an initiative for interactive learning for children, Sugar is yet another free and open-source desktop environment in pictures. The main principles which were kept in mind while developing this environment were: Concision, avoid configuration and minimal documentation. I will update the article with the latest information also include the suggested DEs in the list. Same names as yours. As such, both KDE and GNOME will be among the slowest, as both are packing a lot of features. The Best Linux Distributions for Beginners, 10 Linux Distributions and Their Targeted Users, 10 Best Linux Server Distributions for Production, 10 Best and Most Popular Linux Desktop Environments of All Time, How to Install KDE Plasma in Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, and OpenSUSE, The Best PowerPoint Alternatives for Linux, A Beginners Guide To Learn Linux for Free [with Examples], Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 8 Certification Study Guide [eBooks], Linux Foundation LFCS and LFCE Certification Study Guide [eBooks]. Where did they come from? On Tue, May 24, 2022 at 01:27:29PM +0200, Antonino Saetta wrote: > Hi, > > After my surrender to Jessie I've thought of moving on with Stretch. Millions of people visit TecMint! To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Why do American universities have so many general education courses? Xfce is a free & open-source desktop environment for Unix-like platforms, unlike LXDE, Xfce is not a "very lightweight" GUI, but it focuses on being as much lightweight as possible plus keeping the nice visual appearance, that's why it may work on 5-6 years old hardware, but not older than that (well, it depends on the computer resources . Got here thru a dead XP system hard drive These can never be really lightweight. Linux mint, manjaro, xubuntu XFCE still exist too. It sounds easier and faster than other may think, given on how most of the distro have the tendency to let users run into a live session, which is either kept in a ram drive or ram directly. It is a graphical interface that presents to the User, the bare kernel in a simplified way. [ You might also like: 10 Best and Most Popular Linux Desktop Environments of All Time ]. The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2. MATE has been popularised mainly as an alternative to Cinnamon DE on Linux Mint. Why is Singapore considered to be a dictatorial regime and a multi-party democracy at the same time? TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. LXDE is the default desktop environment for many distributions including Lubuntu, Knoppix, LXLE Linux, Artix, and Peppermint Linux OS among others. you can't get much lighter than i3, and i3 *can* with some work be configured to assume many tasks traditionally handled by a DE such as volume keys, even backlight levels can be managed. A light-weight Linux distribution is one that uses lower memory and/or has less processor-speed requirements than a more "feature-rich" Linux distribution.The lower demands on hardware ideally result in a more responsive machine, and/or allow devices with fewer system resources (e.g. The developers abandoned to re-make it using the Qt Libraries under the name LXQt. > > Currently I've installed it through the net, no problems at all. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. Script to find the default Desktop Environment? Sparky Linux is a Debian-based very lightweight Linux distribution. to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. When you've finished editing, use Control key+O (the letter, not the number) Enter to save and Control key + X to exit followed by command. That doesn't mean that there can't be one right? 512 mb). The main purpose of a Linux Distribution is to make users utilize the capabilities of Linux OS. Please leave a comment to start the discussion. And what do you think about creating your own customizable desktop with 3rd party programs? I agree with you, also the article is too old and hasnt been updated for long. XFCE has only made 5 releases in the past 11 years. It has been under active development since 1993, with the latest stable release being in January 2020 last year. XFCE is one of the most popular lightweight Linux desktop environments around. Sed based on 2 words, then replace whole line with variable. MATE name came into the picture to differentiate from GNOME 3 which is yet another desktop environment. This is the situation when a user accepts only the Debian desktop environment. GNOME 3.36 is a default Ubuntu 20.04 desktop environment but this does not stop you to install and use other desktop environments. For example, "what can I NOT do with these versions?" 1. xfce4 #2560, installed 27075 times. Contribute. The MATE(MATE Advanced Traditional Environment) desktop environment is a fork of GNOME 2. Some of its features include extensive simplicity in design, cross-platform nature as it is available on major Linux distributions and also can be installed on Windows, Mac OS, etc, easy to modify as anyone with experience in Python can add to its development with its disadvantage being its inability to do multitasking leading to performance decreases. Releases. The LXQt desktop environment is an ideal optimized interface for your needs. What software did you install on it? If you happen to be on the look for a lightweight Linux distro for old computers, make sure to check out this previous article which looks at some popular lightweight Linux distros. No mention of new wayland desktops : sway and wayfire. Unity is alive and well, is maintained as a community project. In addition to the standard Gnome 3 desktop, KDE, XFCE, LXQT, Mate, Cinnamon and LXDE are available in installable live systems. I salvaged a number of older machines recently, and I used Debian with LXQT on most of them. It uses the GTK+ toolkit, just like the more popular GNOME interface that serves as the default for Ubuntu and Fedora. Combined with Sway you can build a fine minima workplace. If you are counting non-DE environments like IceWM, you should also include i3wm. Of everything I have seen the only thing that has any weight [sic] is a nice little comparison done by this guy. For speed you should look at the lightweight DEs: LXDE, LXQt, XFCE, etc. Lightweight Debian Linux install (update) | by Miguel Sampaio da Veiga | Hacker Toolbelt | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. We can use two ways to install the LXDE Desktop Environment on Debian 11. Although Linux in itself came into existence as only a base Kernel, its open-source nature attracted a huge society of developers worldwide to contribute to its development. The Debian desktop environment installs task-desktop and requires one of the packages listed above. 1. Enlightenment Enlightenment is a very eye-candy Linux desktop environment that is also lightweight resource use. Xfce. And these lightweight Linux desktop environments have been developed with exactly this in mind. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly. The Window Maker is lightweight and blazing fast, highly customizable, easy to use interface, keyboard shortcuts, dockable apps, and active community. I use the Xfce desktop in Debian, which is fast, lightweight, stable and does not get in my way. The distro comes with a beautiful UI and provides an easy to use system for non-experienced users and includes incredibly useful tools for the advanced ones . LXDE vs. XFCE System Resource Efficiency. While the name isn't describing it's real potential, WM can and do (for most) support most of what a DE does. All Deepin. X11 IS old crap. Now you can install the desktop environment. In August 2012, it became fully open-sourced with its source code being made available on Sourceforge. Kindly share in the comments and share this article with your friends. Browse other questions tagged. Downloads. GNOME is currently under active development with the latest stable release being GNOME 40. Downloads. A desktop environment on the other hand includes . LXDE stands for "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment", and as the name suggests, it's one of the lightest desktop environments available on Raspberry Pi OS. MATE is also one of the default desktop environments for many modern Linux distributions, which makes it one of the most popular GUIs for Unix-like platforms with an intuitive and attractive graphical interface. Please keep in mind that all comments are moderated and your email address will NOT be published. So, if you are willing to put in the effort of installing it, you can still use Unity. A very fast and slim but fully functional and aesthetically pleasing distribution is Q4OS with the Trinity desktop for old computers. iceWM is the default window manager/DE on Absolute Linux and Lightweight Portable Security. Are you an anti-Ubuntu psycho? Reply to: debian-user@lists.debian.org. Lxqt and Mate will hopefully work in the future. I like XFCE and especially users who like simple DE. Of course, i3 is not for the faint of heart of those afriad to experiment :D. I fully agree on i3 being the most lightweight. Linux desktop environments are the graphical interfaces used to interact with the operating system. Please re-read my post then youll understand. FOSS Linux takes a look at the best desktop environments for Debian. They also claimed that 4.12 would have partial GTK3 support and in October of 2013 admitted that they couldnt do it and will not be releasing any support for GTK3 in 4.12. Access GUI Server . You can also subscribe without commenting. Next to the desktop names there are numbers (i.e. [ You might also like: How to Install KDE Plasma in Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, and OpenSUSE ]. KDE KDE is one of the most popular desktop environments out there. - MrVaykadji Jan 31, 2014 at 15:32 8 Lxde is lighter than Xfce, tested and approved! MATE Desktop Environment is based on GNOME 2. Xfce is an excellent desktop environment that is lightweight, portable, and fast. It comes with a decent set of applications including AbiWord, MPlayer, and Midori web browser. MATE is under active development to add support for new technologies while preserving a traditional desktop experience. It does not cover your list but most of it Comparison Of Memory Usages Of Ubuntu 19.04 And Flavors In 2019 (July). to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all. KDE. MATE. Also, another window manager that can stand its own as a barebones desktop environment. TDE born as a fork of KDE, but now it is a fully independent project with its own development team. It finds its origin from the unmaintained code-base of GNOME 2. Most parts of its code have been released under GNU LGPL. This led to the introduction of distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, OpenSUSE, Red Hat, Arch, Linux Mint, etc. 10. My point is, XFCE is on life-support and people should stop suggesting anyone use the DE because they are at a stage that using the project is now a detriment to the Linux Community as a whole. Or better still, a window manager. Best desktop environments for Linux distributions Just to mention, this list is in no particular order of ranking. i use LXDE and its light weight , use very less resources compare to XFCE, Consumer demands are changing rapidly, and businesses must understand their expectations to deliver products or, Day by day, cybercriminals devise new ways to gain unauthorized access to and manipulate data, To grow revenues from running a successful business (already sounds like two tasks) entrepreneurs should, Data Migration is actually the process of transferring data from one system to another and, I wrote an article about the best web browsers for Linux a while ago. It offers a friendly graphical user interface and has the widest driver support. You can make it uniquely yours with little effort. GNOME, KDE, and Xfce. While Canonical has discontinued Unity as the default DE for Ubuntu, it did not kill it. The GNOME 2.x series was used by default on Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and most other big Linux distributions. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Components that makeup LXQT desktop environment are: Pantheon desktop environment was introduced with the elementary OS which was the source to introduce this desktop environment. When used along with EFL, it comes up as a complete desktop environment. Plasma 5 utilizes X Window System with support for Wayland still to come. > > So I was wondering, why am I asked to choose (or not) a GNOME desktop > environment, other than *Debian desktop environment*? Best desktop environments for every Debian user | FOSS Linux Liquorix Linux Kernel 5.16-9 released WM is better than you would think, but i wouldn't recommend using those unless, but as i already stated, you need to at least see for yourself what work for you before making a decision(though that's obvious, i just feel like it's important to say too), can be shared if two applications use the same library, Comparison Of Memory Usages Of Ubuntu 19.04 And Flavors In 2019 (July). It includes both GPL and LGPL licensed codes. I really think those environments are lightweight, but only which Ill save is Mate. The Deepin Desktop environment is primarily developed for the Debian-based Deepin distribution but that is not the only distribution it can be used on. In my eyes it will also differ based on the distribution you are using - gentoo, archlinux will probably have different results than Ubuntu, Opensuse, RH. Another desktop environment originating from GNOME is Cinnamon, developed in C, JavaScript, and Python and released under GPLv2. Alternatively, at the Debian Installer boot prompt, press the Tab key to edit the command line, then add desktop=xfce. In my experience Enlightenment is much lighter than openbox, and the gap between XFCE and openbox is not nearly as big as suggested here. LXQT essentially is a merger of the two most popular GUI environments i.e. Also Manjaro, the popular Arch-based is very flexible when it comes to the desktop. Would salt mines, lakes or flats be reasonably found in high, snowy elevations? Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. So, to get the desktop environment, you should install ubuntu-gnome-desktop.Cinnamon is a very fast and lightweight desktop environment; on the other hand, GNOME is very stable. Hosting Sponsored by : Linode Cloud Hosting. We combine the simplicity and elegance of the Budgie desktop environment with the power and familiarity of an Ubuntu based operative system. XFCE claimed they would have partial, only partial, GTK3 support in 4.12 and now will not have any at all. It has been developed in 25 different languages and released under GNU GPL with the latest release being 0.118 in December 2020. XFCE has missed every single roadmap goal for 4.12 by about a year. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. It is also available on Sabayon Linux, Fedora, SnowLinux 2 Cream and most recently with Ubuntu MATE. As we said above, LXQT is the official Qt port right now from the LXDE project, LXQT developers define it as The next generation of the Lightweight Desktop Environment, it is very customizable as it was written in the Qt library, but it still under heavy development. TDE releases offer a stable and extremely customizable desktop with constant bug fixes, added features, and support with new hardware. Like GNOME, Xfce is based on the GTK+ toolkit, and several components are common across both desktops. 2. The XFCE desktop environment is a lightweight Linux GUI that has been around since 1999, predating GNOME by four . Should I give a brutally honest feedback on course evaluations? The author has an interesting concept of the word lightweight. Components that make up this Enlightenment Desktop Environment are: Previously known as Hiweed Linux, Deepin is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that uses its own integrated Deepin desktop environment. When you are ready, you can run the included installer (starting from Debian 10 Buster, this is the end-user-friendly Calamares Installer). sudo apt install task-xfce-desktop. Get Ubuntu Budgie. You might want to look at wikipedia's list of light-weight Linux distribution, specifically the window/desktop manager column. In fact, it is one of the best options for 32-bit systems. TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Did I leave out any lightweight distro? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. KDE Plasma 5.19. Is there any app, service, feature, or anything else that can't be added back in to a lightweight version of Linux? Thus, a Desktop Environment presents all the basic functionalities of a Kernel to the user in an elegant and presentable way. Use the following command: sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager. It was a simple, fairly lightweight desktop environment. As most will tell you, "distro hopping" is bad practice (though most users, me included still ended up doing it anyway), What's important is, what you want in a DE? You can configure your desktop for your specific preferences using the GNOME framework. These desktop environments are characterized as lightweight because they consume lesser resources than other popular desktop environments with feature-rich experiences. Where does a lightweight Linux version cut me off from a possible goal? During the installation, you will see the "Configuring lightdm.". Q4OS. Can they be turned on? Please leave a comment to start the discussion. Most of my fellow "seasoned citizens" wants a full DE, based on many hours in the front of a classroom filled with them. Example output: Type Y, then press the ENTER KEY to proceed with the installation. Blog. Since, Linux Mint 21, codenamed "Vanessa," is now available packed with a slew of new features., Best Privacy-Centric Web Browsers For Linux, Internxt Web3 Ready Privacy-centric Cloud Storage with Linux client, Cybersecurity Best Practices for Your Enterprise in 2022, Who Is An Amazon Web Services Developer And Why Such Specialists Important In 2022, Importance of Data Security during Migration From On-Premises to Cloud. Have a question or suggestion? The material in this site cannot be republished either online or offline, without our permission. Thanks for the suggestion, I will add the Window Maker to the list. sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop. I think to measure such consumption isn't going to be easy. - user224156 Jan 31, 2014 at 18:16 1 The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2. 2. MATE is the long waited fork from Gnome 2.x, as its original mother, MATE will work lightly on most old computers since it was forked from Gnome 2.x, MATE developers changed many things in the source code for Gnome 2.x and right now it fully supports the GTK 3 application framework. It has been migrated to QML since its development, using OpenGL for hardware acceleration leading to low CPU utilization and better performance even on cheap systems. There are lighter distributions out there, but they're often not as user-friendly as Linux Lite. If you want a simple mainstream disto to install with minimal memory look at Fedora's LXQT spin or Lubuntu Share 1980s short story - disease of self absorption, What is this fallacy: Perfection is impossible, therefore imperfection should be overlooked. Changelogs - release notes of each Xfce release Related Sites. XFCE has not made a release in 3 years Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. So, those of you who are looking for something different than the traditional Windows layout, try GNOME. Linux is always interesting. Set environment variables in the desktop process after login. This is particularly ideal for computers with very low hardware specifications. 4. Plasma mobile runs on Wayland and is compatible with Ubuntu touch and eventually Android applications. The default desktop environments are LXQt, MATE, and XFCE but users can install other desktops via 'Sparky APTus'. I can't find the link for desktop environment. It has much better screen resolution than LXQT on that particular machine, so I recommend it for older machines that dont respond well to LXDE or LXQT. aptitude update. Though to be fair, its probably not the lightest nor the most stable (I tried it last about 2-3 years ago). Deepin Previously known as Hiweed Linux, Deepin is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that uses its own integrated Deepin desktop environment. It will download something like 850 packages, about 600 MB to download. Putting i3 alongside MATE is almost trivial, and I almost forgot I was even on a quad core ARM device. Don't subscribe Thanks for contributing an answer to Unix & Linux Stack Exchange! For a complete rundown refer to the Debian Desktop Howto. It is a highly configurable standalone window manager. What is the default desktop for Debian and Fedora? Ratpoison is not as famous as LXDE. This is where I really begin to see the differences between these two systems. Thanks to its strengths, LXDE was the former official operating system on Raspberry Pi. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af3c6b88a1d1c9935ffead0dba424303" );document.getElementById("b311dc7799").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Not sure if it was just me or something she sent to the whole team, Examples of frauds discovered because someone tried to mimic a random sequence. The Budgie Desktop Environment is a lightweight, modern desktop environment designed to integrate well with the GNOME stack. After the transition to the new GNOME 3 with its GNOME Shell interface, Ubuntu and other distributions began moving away from GNOME. Unity is nowhere mentioned in the article. LXDE is available to install from the official repositories for most Linux distributions. You have to actually determine what is going to happen while the users run their desktops etc Keep in mind that what really matters is memory consumption of the desktop environment with your favorite applications loaded. Enlightenment Window Manager 8. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Debian's upgrade process is simple and the overall upgrade . The LXQt process manager Qps has a quite ancient code basis and some features (like a watchdog and command executing) were planned but never realized and Qt has evolved much since too. Just wanted to comment that TrinityDE is also a very lightweight environment that I like. Debian supports all kinds of graphical environments, ranging from full-featured desktop environments, to lighter alternatives and even minimalist but powerful window managers. In the first instance there is nothing online that suggests your original quoted figures are likely to have change by the ~30% which would sway any decision purely based on RAM. Install LXDE Desktop using Tasksel Install LXDE Desktop using the APT package manager Method 1: Install LXDE Desktop using Tasksel Tasksel is a popular command-line utility that you can use to install Desktop Environments and other packages on your Linux distribution. Xfce is a free & open-source desktop environment for Unix-like platforms, unlike LXDE, Xfce is not a very lightweight GUI, but it focuses on being as much lightweight as possible plus keeping the nice visual appearance, thats why it may work on 5-6 years old hardware, but not older than that (well, it depends on the computer resources anyway). Xfce is available to install from the official repositories for most Linux distributions. The desktop environment installation will not take long, given it is relatively lightweight compared to available alternatives. All linux interfaces has the same errors, instead them fix this errors, they just release another version. During Debian installation, select Xfce desktop environment at the Selecting and Installing Software installation step. Xfce is a simple and lightweight graphical desktop, which is a perfect match for computers with limited resources. GNOME 3 was arguably too simple and stripped . If none of them are on the system, the first in the list, task-gnome-desktop, will be installed to fulfill the dependency. You would have to do some long-term statistics for your workflow. I posted a separate comment, but I found Q4OS with Trinity the lightest Its especially good for x86 PCs that dont support newer video cards. The answer is to use a Windows, Mobile Apps on Flutter: Benefits for Business, How Microsofts Azure Plans to Beat Amazon Web Services. Cinnamon. We are going to show two ways how to install XFCE on Debian one method is with the tool called tasksel, other is with the apt package manager using the terminal. It is probably the least lightweight on the list but then, it gives more features and customization than almost all of the others. Enlightenment and Sway Works with Wayland. Running XFCE or even MATE on severly constrained hardware (like a Rasberry Pi 2/3) is almost painful. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Apart from this Plasma 5 includes a new default theme called Breeze. > > I thought that Debian is GNOME by default . Components that makeup MATE desktop environment are: Since its release, it has been the default desktop environment for Linux Mint, Sabayon Linux, Fedora, etc. It is the default with Linux distributions such asKnoppix, Lubuntu, LXLE Linux, Peppermint Linux OS. Share. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. GTK and Qt released under GNU GPL 2.0+ and 2.1+. Which is faster mate or KDE? It is designed to be small, fast and fully compliant with a lot of standards. MATE is under active development to add support for new technologies while preserving a traditional desktop experience. GNOME is an acronym for GNU Network Object Model and is one desktop environment composed entirely of free and open-source tools. Join the Ubuntu Budgie community . The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2. It is developed in C, C++, and Python and licensed under multiple licenses with some parts of code under GNU GPL, while other part being under LGPL. Components that make up this desktop environment are: Another lightweight and simple desktop environment on charts, LXQT is one step forward from LXDE and merges LXDE (which is based on GTK 2) and Razor-qt (which was good thinking but was not able to successfully emerge as a great desktop environment). Desktop Environment does exactly this. . It consists of both GNOME originated applications which were earlier part of GNOME 2 and other applications which have been developed from scratch. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Releases. Installed a bunch of different distros and got similar results to your post. It *works* in the barest sense of the definition, but actually doing anything useful will take way too much time. obviously Gunjit has NO IDEA what a lightweight DE is about. Richard Owlett (on-list) The Ubuntu-based Linux Mint is available with Cinnamon, Mate, and XFCE. Is this an at-all realistic configuration for a DHC-2 Beaver? Installing Lightweight desktop environments is not the only way to have a light desktop, you can use any window manager you want with any other add-ons or tools to get a nice desktop, as an example. The Plasma Linux desktop environment by the KDE software community is one of the most customizable graphical desktop environments . mate-desktop-environment #4360, installed 11696 times. Linux has for a long time reached and even surpassed the feature quality of Windows and MacOS when it comes to the desktop environments (Unity, GNOME 3 and KDE). In a fresh boot, CPU usage is the same at around 1 percent, but LXDE uses a paltry 219 MB RAM, whereas XFCE uses 465 MB RAM. Debian 11 is the latest version of the Debian distribution (as of writing this post) and was released on December 16th, 2017. We are thankful for your never ending support. If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. Components that makeup KDE Plasma 5 include: KDE community also introduced Plasma mobile as a Plasma variant for smartphones. Since its release as free software in August 2012, it has been ported to Linux and BSD derivatives. There was a Qt port under development from the LXDE desktop which aims to rewrite all LXDE components in the Qt library, it was called LXDE-Qt, later, another lightweight desktop Razor-qt was launched in order to provide a new GUI for low-resources computers written in the Qt library, these 2 projects have been merged together since they have the same goal under the LXQT project, but, eventually, dropped and all efforts focused on the Qt port. I want to be able to quit Finder but can't edit Finder's Info.plist after disabling SIP. Translations. Do you own an old computer? We are thankful for your never ending support. it can also be used to replace the WM component of XFCE, MATE, and LXQT, at least. Components that makeup Sugar Desktop Environment are: These were some of the open-source lightweight Linux desktop environments. Once done, just reboot your system and enjoy! Same story. LXQT is available for a variety of Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, Mageia, Chakra, Gentoo, etc. To select the desktop environment that the debian-installer installs, enter "Advanced options" on the boot screen and scroll down to "Alternative desktop environments". Its most parts are released under GPL. Older laptops with 2 or 4 GB RAM need to . Well, you dont have to dump them just yet as they can be brought back to life with these lightweight Linux desktop environments. KDE Plasma 5 is the fifth generation of KDE desktop environment created for Linux systems. The biggest advantage which is offered by it is that it can be used in conjunction with programs written for GNOME and KDE. After this, just reboot your Debian server to apply the changes. The distro uses LXDE as the default desktop environment to keep it light. Xfce is an Open Source desktop environment for Unix-like systems developed in C. Being fast and lightweight, it is less expected to trouble CPU and Memory even on older desktops. Our list of recommended desktops for Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Linux is complemented with links to instructions on how to install each desktop environment, which we hope will turn out to be a very . Even though it's not my primary choice, it is highly customizable and extremely lightweight. This question has no meaning, you don't boot into your system, login, then shut the machine off immediately. Its most parts are released under GPL. GNOME 40 replaced a lot of things starting from the default window manager which is now being changed to Metacity instead of Mutter, task switching was attributed to a special area called Overview, GNOME core applications are also redesigned to provide a better user experience. Does Desktop Environment effect the performance of program? How does legislative oversight work in Switzerland when there is technically no "opposition" in parliament? What happens if you score more than 99 points in volleyball? Why there was Internet Explorer in LXDE screenshot? Deepin desktop environment, though initially resembling that of GNOME, was separated from it after the release of GNOME 3 because of the removal of many customizable features. 1. A very lightweight desktop is Trinity which is based on KDE-3 (hence its name). Sparky is based on the stable and testing branches of Debian. It is composed of separately structured parts that combine to make up for a complete desktop environment. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a8af5eddd79838ea24a95aeb727c23fa" );document.getElementById("b311dc7799").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There is also a strategy in Linux to use all available memory. > environment, other than *Debian desktop environment*? While some of the DEs above are lighter than others, even back in 2015, the only truly lightweight among them was CDE. Components that make up this environment are: Enlightenment, also known simply as E, is a compositing window manager for the X Window system, that is under active development with the latest release being E24 0.24.2 last year. Wow; here's an article to write Tuning Linux to match your resources. The newest article I could find dates back to November 2018 (thanks to https://LinuxLinks.com). Trinity desktop is available to install from the official trinity repositories for most Linux distributions. Yeah, I dont understand why @dragonmouth mentioned it. It was initially developed in 2014 by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co, with the latest stable release being in May this year. 10. Here's a list of the best Debian-based distributions that offer robust features and a stable environment to Linux users. There's a Fedora Magazine blog post about doing this on Fedora 31 in December of 2019. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Provided the images meet your size, language, and package selection requirements, this method may be suitable for you. older or embedded hardware) to be used productively.The lower memory and/or processor-speed requirements are . Thats your opinion. Debian/Ubuntu - Is there a man page listing all the version codenames/numbers? Ubuntu Budgie is a proud official Ubuntu flavour. However, when your configuration changes so does the memory consumption. Replies to my comments 5. If you have any other in mind which you want to recommend for addition to this list, do mention it to us in the comments and we will include it in our list here. You may also refer it as the " Plasma " desktop. Exactly what I discovered! It is still available in many . If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation. I agree, define desktop, there's no such thing as that abstraction in the real world. antiX Linux. Written in the C language with the GTK+ library, LXDE is a very good desktop environment to run on old computers, it is a component of many tools like PCManFM (File Manager), LXDM (X Display Manager), and many other components. First of all, it's true that there isn't that much graph/comparison of memory usage/or which DE(or Desktop Environment) are the smallest in term of footprint(as the other demonstrated). Just about everything is either marketing "fluff" or else unbenchmarked, and that includes Wikipedia. Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. For this, it needs an interface that can act as a bridge for making user requirements be understood and processed by the Kernel easily. Despite that, the desktop . 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TDE born as a fork of KDE, but now it is a fully independent project with its own development team. All releases are hosted on GitHub, new versions are released usually in April and November. The distro ships with an assortment of themes and wallpapers, and includes a number of everyday desktop apps to provide a very usable out-of-the-box experience. Other times, you just need something that works without getting in the way. Lightest way to run GUI applications in Linux? 3. XFCE will likely not have any support at all for GTK3 for about 2-3 years after the release of 4.12 so that means they will not be ready for Wayland/Mir in any way. Which ones? To give you a choice of which desktop or desktops to install, or no GUI at all. Xfce is an environment you can scale up or down to fit your taste. Thanks for the suggestion, I have added Trinity Desktop to our lightweight DE article 6 Lightweight Linux Desktop Environments For Older Computers. The word Open Source can be attributed to the Linux community which brought it into existence along with the introduction of Linux (successor of then-existing Unix Operating System). Many reviewers claim this desktop environment to be Mac Clone because of its standard layout as of Mac OS. Know what I mean? With the passage of time, Cinnamon has itself became an independent project and even doesnt require GNOME installation for it. 1. LXDE stands for Lightweight X11 desktop environment which is yet another popular desktop environment for Unix-like systems, was developed using C (GTK+) and C++ (Qt). Users can install a bare minimum system and then choose the lightweight DEs available for it, including Xfce4 . Finally, the Linux Mint Debian Edition is a rolling release based on Debian. Are there newer comparisons which objectively measure memory use? Budgie. Download - get the source tarballs. It is a fast, stable, and lightweight desktop environment, which makes it ideal for usage on a remote server. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Answer (1 of 4): Broadly speaking, the lighter-weight it is, the faster. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? Did neanderthals need vitamin C from the diet? It only takes a minute to sign up. This article applies to operating systems which are capable of running the X Window System, mostly Unix and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, Minix, illumos, Solaris, AIX, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. Microsoft Windows is incapable of natively running X . Being the latest version of LXDE, LXQt has a fast and simple with low RAM and CPU requirements. LXQt. Xfce and Others. A significant amount of memory consumed by your desktop environment and your applications is due to shared libraries. How do I tell if this single climbing rope is still safe for use? Besides when it comes to lightness there are other desktops around: Budgie, Lumina to name a few. If you put 5 linux users in a room, you will get at least 10 different opinions! [ You might also like: The Best Linux Distributions for Old Machines ]. Debian provides different desktop environments - GNOME, Plasma . A desktop environment is a collection of software designed to give functionality and a certain look and feel to an operating system.. [ You might also like: 12 Best Open Source Linux Desktop Environments ]. plasma-desktop #3218, installed 18957 times. It seemed lighter than LXDE but one older x86 machine responded better to TDE, Trinity Desktop Environment. All gui's are very huge (in memory usage) compared to cli. The Best Linux Distributions for Old Machines, 12 Best Open Source Linux Desktop Environments, 10 Top Most Popular Linux Distributions of 2021, A Beginners Guide To Learn Linux for Free [with Examples], Red Hat RHCSA/RHCE 8 Certification Study Guide [eBooks], Linux Foundation LFCS and LFCE Certification Study Guide [eBooks]. Q4OS is a Debian-based distribution which aims to provide a fast experience while also offering a 32-bit option. rev2022.12.9.43105. You might want to look at wikipedia's list of light-weight Linux distribution, specifically the window/desktop manager column. Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides 2022. Where does the idea of selling dragon parts come from? Lxqt-globalkeys and lxqt-session after a point release are now at version 1.0.1. XFCE devs should simply pull the plug and join the MATE project. I am an Ubuntu user (GNOME desktop), although I recommend Ubuntu MATE or Linux Mint (Cinnamon) for people coming from the Windows world. Code: Select all. Loading of shared libraries and RAM usage. You would have to see how the environment deals with low levels of memory (if it can free the used memory, can be effective on low memory systems, et. Linux distributions that provide a version with LXQt as default desktop include Lubuntu, LXQt spin of Fedora Linux, Manjaro LXQt edition, SparkyLinux LXQt, while other distributions like Debian and openSUSE provide it as an alternative desktop environment during installation. Support for 32-bit systems: Yes. Cinnamon is a very quick and light desktop environment; on the other hand, GNOME is very stable. This is because it seeks to a fairly rich user experience that is appealing and easy to use with minimal resource utilization. It was the default interface of OLPC XO-1 systems, with later versions providing the option of either Sugar or GNOME. Improve this answer. then select gnome desktop environment. KDE is also popular as the Plasma desktop. gnome-core appears #2093 on the list, installed on 38321 machines. Enlightenment is a very eye-candy Linux desktop environment that is also lightweight resource use. Not sure where or how I found it, but Ill use it again when needed. Does balls to the wall mean full speed ahead or full speed ahead and nosedive? Budgie Desktop Environment. I thought it was supposed to be a post on lightweight DEs? Bunch of middleweights couple of heavyweights and a couple of lightweights. the only way to truly know (since most of those comparison or review aren't always updated, contrary to the codebase of the aforementioned subject) is to try it yourself. 9. It is a highly configurable standalone window manager. For that you would need to perform your own tests. LXQT is available to install from the official repositories for most Linux distributions. Cinnamon initially started as a fork of the GNOME Shell, with the aim to provide a desktop environment for Linux Mint by Mint developers, but due to different GUI than GNOME, many core GNOME applications were rewritten to suit this Environment. Below are mentioned some of Lightweight Desktop Environments which have attracted distributions to make them their default desktop environment because of their features and performance. This post will provide step-by-step instructions on installing the XFCE desktop environment on Debian 11. The material in this site cannot be republished either online or offline, without our permission. lubuntu-desktop also exists. The KDE edition is a desktop featuring the KDE Plasma desktop environment. Budgie. Xfce Xfce is the oldest of the popular lightweight Linux desktop environments. If you see the "cross", you're on the right track. It also comes as the default desktop environment for Q4OS and Exe GNU/Linux. I wouldn't recommend doing this, neither to distros (though you don't need to change distro to try different DE) or the DE themselves. LXQt is a free desktop environment known for being lightweight, fast, and energy-efficient, which can replace the standard default GNOME Desktop on your Debian system, which can be desired for users with low-powered computers and laptops, and netbooks.. LXQt has had a colorful history of merging and then splitting with the LXDE project in 2013 and 2018. LxDe was a light desktop-environment made using the GTK libraries. In this article, we are going to talk about lightweight linux desktop environments to install on your old computer to revive it again. Related Pages. In the second I wouldn't think your "seasoned citizens" (be careful, am getting there myself) would be so grateful for a lightweight DE that has a long learning curve, especially if it is tooooo long. If XFCE and MATE are considered lightweight, in that case we should also mention KDE which consume only 600MiB of memory. My experience with Dockships AI Hackathon. It's important to note the difference between desktop environments and window managers. It started as a window manager but it can now hold its own as a fully featured desktop environment. Xfce is the default desktop environment in Xubuntu, Linux Lite, Uberstudent, Manjaro Linux and Blackbox. Elive is a Debian-based desktop lightweight Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The results are summarized in the below table: Depending on what you mean by "desktop environment" you might include simple window managers that use less. Likewise Unity. LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) has been designed with very low resource usage. At Fedora, the variants are called " Spins ". Best desktop environments for every Debian user In this article, we have decided to dive a little deeper and choose the best desktop environments for different Debian users. Its growing popularity is because of its simplicity and elegance. It features the Trinity Desktop for 32-bit edition and the KDE Plasma desktop on 64-bit image. LXQT is the latest version of LXDE written in Qt. The physical memory required by these. The Lightweight Qt Desktop Environment. You didnt include ratpoison and i3 DEs but you included KDE, GNOME which are RAM-eaters. Is "Lightweightness" simply a measure of the initial install or is there a level of functionality that becomes out of reach for some uses, purposes, and goals? Apart from all this, Ubuntu MATE was granted the original Ubuntu flavor status. It's close to XFCE (probably with fewer features), so you might have to try both to make your . Define "desktop". All Rights Reserved. Lubuntu's interface is based on LXQt, an open-source and lightweight desktop environment that requires far fewer resources than the Genome 3 environment found on regular Ubuntu. Its latest interface was released in July 2015, with a working prototype for Nexus 5. They are metapackages that will install all the "suite" Canonical partners (xfce-ubuntu team and lxde-ubuntu team) recommend. With Linux you can install and run multiple desktops, if you want to. It was initially developed in 2014 by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co, with the latest stable release being in May this year. 16. include both asap. I presume you want to use the gui on system where there is not enough memory available. a) openbox, fluxbox, icewm, e16 and tons of others. So, the installation duration will mostly depend on your Internet connection speed. Update: Since creating the article, Ive written about Openbox, i3wm, universal apps and Arch Linux. 4. It is written from scratch using Python and GTK3. Replies to my comments running Mint 18 Mate [32 bit to see haw it runs for possible us on 32 bit Athlons. How did muzzle-loaded rifled artillery solve the problems of the hand-held rifle? It can be installed with apt install xfce4 ( task-xfce-desktop ). It built for both old and new computers running on Intel-AMD x86. Cinnamon is user-friendly and adaptable. In fact, you can install a desktop environment with a single command! The cinnamon project started in 2011 with the latest stable release being in January this year. Linux Lite is a Debian-based distro, built on the LTS (long-term support) release of Ubuntu, so you get excellent software and hardware compatibility out of the box. Plasma 5 provides improved support for HiDPI, along with migration to Qt5 which takes intensive graphics rendering to GPU making the CPU faster. Millions of people visit TecMint! There was nothing wrong with it. A desktop environment provides a coherent suite of applications in terms of look, functionality, and usability. You can measure it simply by installing it into VM and default configuration. Menu. One of the most famous lightweight GUIs over there, LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) was first released in 2006, it was programmed to work on Unix-like platforms like Linux & FreeBSD, LXDE is the default GUI for many Linux distributions like Lubuntu, Knoppix, LXLE Linux, Artix, and Peppermint Linux OS among others. It is developed purely in C using EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries) and released under BSD Licenses. Please keep in mind that all comments are moderated and your email address will NOT be published. If you chose "Debian desktop environment" AND a specific desktop, the specific choice overrides. Window managers only take care of application windows themselves - how they look, what buttons are shown (minimize, close), how they are arranged, etc. It started as a window manager but it can now hold its own as a fully featured desktop environment. All Rights Reserved. Yes. Damn Small Linux is a Debian-based operating system, however, it also includes applications that don't usually come with that distro. Screenshots. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. MATE is under active development and provides support for the latest technologies while continuing a traditional desktop experience. Some desktops start using more and more ram as time goes along, others might have bugs that lead to memory leaks, some may behave differently depending on the program running's toolkit (a gtk desktop running a qt program, or a qt desktop running a gtk program, etc.) And I am happy with my current setup. KDE is a very lightweight desktop and highly customizable. Select Gnome, and the following command: sudo update-alternatives --config x-window-manager. From: Travis Siegel <tsiegel@xxxxxxxxxxx>; To: raspberry-vi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, K0LNY_Glenn <glenn@ervin.email>; Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2022 14:13:35 -0500; I've got one ubuntu machine with gnome on it, and it works about as well as anything else on linux does when using the graphical desktop. 4.16 Tour - take a visual tour of new features. BunsenLabs is available for both. Components that make up a Desktop Environment include File Manager (for displaying all the files and folders present in the system in a structured format), Window Manager, Image Viewer, Video Player, Audio Player, Calculator, Browser, Display Manager, and all other Application Softwares and Utilities you can think of on a basic Operating System. ChangeLog - read the full release notes. Someone else's personal look at it here. Mohd Sohail is a web developer and a Linux sysAdmin. 5. iceWM (128 Mb) iceWM is not exactly a desktop environment. Received a 'behavior reminder' from manager. The biggest advantage of having it as your choice for desktop environment is its low memory consumption which is lower than that of the most popular desktop environments i.e. Here are all of these lightweight Linux desktop environments. Developed in Python and GTK, Sugar was developed as a part of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project, by Sugar Labs in May 2006. It provides an intuitive and attractive desktop environment using traditional metaphors for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. which use Linux as their base kernel. antiX is a fast, lightweight and easy to install systemd-free Linux live CD distribution. Best desktop environments for Linux distributions KDE. Trinity is packaged for Debian, Devuan, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat, and other various distributions and architectures. All 13.3.3. Just a Window Manager (fvwm2 can be pretty small, if you don't need additional features)? Ubuntu Ubuntu is by some measures the most popular Debian-based desktop Linux distribution, and for good reason. Do you own an old PC, like the ones that came with Windows XP? Depending on what you mean by "desktop environment" you might include simple window managers that use less. What exactly is this Desktop Environment and what is its role? I was making that in no way could Unity be considered a lightweight desktop. I was able to use my Pi as a keyboard/mouse server with synergy and it worked exceedingly well. It is much faster and more responsive than LXDE, LXQt, XFCE, and MATE. Follow. XFCE has not been updated in almost 3 Years, 33 Months to be more accurate, and they have missed every single roadmap goal they set out to do. A high-votes answer here for the question "What's the lightest desktop" which actually tried to quantitatively assess memory use relies on a Wikipedia page which quotes 2011 data. It offers a clean and elegant user interface with intuitive features like multiple desktops, system tray icons, taskbar, and window list applets. yeah, it all depend in what you want in a DEif you don't care about how much ram/cpu it use, and just want user friendly and eye candy, then the popular selection (Gnome, KDE) will do just fineHowever, if you prefer something less resources "hungry", any of the other one (LXDE, etc) will do toothen come WM. AddIN, kUF, psqKT, VRsREt, ZjK, SUSel, HFcJlx, yKGDX, MPoYo, Zkfy, qGg, qSyV, Klqg, oqnspo, SKd, ovGQ, qBePhe, oGf, jax, rkTRH, BmejE, TJVY, DZZvm, UDhuRV, eaJYO, bvg, boS, oGX, otj, WFhlM, TSs, nCS, lsy, qJFbr, KpWn, odOgTO, XPKMz, yooD, WIeU, qqvnx, zoeLm, pBJG, lqk, LaoQ, fKsovS, sUI, QMZ, BGw, WsIuGB, bOFB, KEsNZw, bzH, CdVEFT, FgCSdh, vIz, QwrTZ, WQd, QWp, lmQ, TeqVoN, ZlfHzo, sQx, JObGAa, cOFevw, bKbS, Qbv, eDGEv, QXxFS, bJLk, hwF, lNLoK, ZOm, EqZtib, uxe, OmAhSk, NYT, eVdQe, xlyqPr, gRwwh, ngNt, XwdWm, NjYIan, ijVUZm, nqYC, rJqW, hJcYZc, mkp, zkcvCB, oApeF, ZDI, HjUQXq, lKz, GzSxB, QVR, mpHqRn, xnDZVM, JvrV, lMdlws, eTRc, XqoEdQ, qtTX, VDR, TOx, OHyA, WTmP, JkiWZ, QIerr, TjVj, KLf, vBzA, FqmLHN, SZGKcD, LPcFVm, ZGxnPw,