This equipment was supposed to be discharged at "Port Sienyu," located in some mysterious country where the political situation is very unstable. There is something seriously wrong with the end of the script to this show, which makes sense up to a certain point, despite its stupidities. As of August 1, Floridas rating agency, Demotech, downgraded the. As mentioned above, the title of the episode comes from an Alcoholics Anonymous recovery program, the ninth of twelve steps being "Make direct amends to people [that you had harmed through your drinking] wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.". Pimpton seems like a really nice late eval. (The Apollo program ran from 1961 to 1975. of the king's [Kamehameha] body descending with their torches into the water and disappearing from view.". Chin Ho and Duke have tailed the two men to the park, sneaking around behind walls like characters in a Pink Panther cartoon. Fred Hemmings, the announcer at the competition, plays himself. [2] As Season 1 continues, Kimmy falls in love with a Vietnamese man, Dong (Ki Hong Lee) from her G.E.D. The Kirk Foundation is like a retirement home or "country club" where people with terminal illnesses live out their final days in deluxe accommodation including gourmet meals, and when they die, their bodies are frozen, to be brought back to life later when advances in medicine can deal with their conditions. He just needs a good punch in the face, and his arrest at the end hardly feels like just punishment. The new rule creates two transfer portal windows in college football and other sports: 45 days "beginning the day following the championship selection," and. Chin's daughter Suzy (Jean Marie Hon) soon arrives from the mainland. McGarrett meets again with Stavrik, telling him, "We have reason to believe that your ship is still afloat" and gets Stavrik to admit that he knew about the military cargo which he confirms was delivered. where a bogus tsunami alert was also manufactured, in that case by Wo Fat to cover up the kidnapping of a genetic scientist. The last shot of the show seems to be in slow motion. That's all it means. Chase signed on for the role of Cyndee, Kimmy's closest friend during their years in the cult; Adams was cast in the role of Gretchen, a 10-year member of the cult who believes everything that she is told. They are very British, Philomena even referring to radio as "the wireless," an antiquated expression that some web sites suggest went out of fashion around 50 years before this show was broadcast. ", McGarrett mispronounces "helipad" as "hellopad. I assume a lot of the big $ folks are not spring chickens. In the first round, Cal Poly handed Hawaii its lone loss of the conference season thus far. Moe Keale has a major part in this show as bus driver Joe Moala who is also an ex-convict. When Kalua phones Five-O after Labella urges him to do so, he identifies Bruce Wilson's character as "Robert Paul," not "Paul Roberts. You savvy, bigmouth?". When Colby gets paid for the dossier, he turns it over to Hoffman, who discovers that the pages are all blank. She probably fell to her death." and that McGarrett should "cool off and settle down" after McGarrett raises his voice. Ball confirmed my suspicions that Lawford was drunk, saying that the actor was so sloshed that he kept blowing his lines. Pimpton is one of the fastest rising 2023 prospects in Texas with his senior move to North Crowley. This article will only focus on targets we believe Texas has an actual shot at landing to close out the 2023 cycle. That hardly constitutes a kidnapping." a : to assign to a place of insignificance or of oblivion : put out of sight or mind b : to assign to an appropriate place or situation on the basis of classification or appraisal c : to submit to someone or something for appropriate action : delegate d : to transfer (a sports team) to a lower ranking division relegation re-l-g-shn noun. And a degree in criminal psychology." Willy Barker (David Dukes) is seeking revenge on Honolulu businessman Yuhio Muromoto (Bennett Ohta), who he believes was commander of a Japanese camp on Bataan in 1942 during World War II who was responsible for the death of his father, William Barker Sr. (similarities to S03E08, "The Reunion"). The main purpose of this book is to propose solutions and avoid misunderstandings concerning the behaviour of English, which might come out of the use and abuse of writings on the topic. Thomas is a boozer who Addison used to supply with wine, including the very expensive Chteau LaFite. As we shall soon find out, there is a problem with this actor as well. Franklin, acting like a cop, though not wearing a uniform and driving a car which is not a police car, sets up a roadblock using a couple of flares on one of these roads, which is very lame. Despite the loss, UNLV (26-4, 17-1) will play No. Stavrik is seen smoking on his plane and later when he meets the pirates in a motel room. Mason suggests that the feather which Drake still has is "a lead" to Doug's killer. What about your expertise? Certain items are being off-loaded from the ship into a truck and Baylor and Merkle go and meet with "the paymaster" for their operation in a low-budget hotel room which turns out to be Stavrik himself. I believe the sunset around 5:30pm when they lost to Kansas. An execrable show, my nomination for worst episode of all, replacing the final season's dumb "A Bird In Hand". 66, Javien Toviano, DB, Arlington (TX) Martin >> Lexis Akeo, Kamehameha 19: The Pittsburgh senior setter had 13 assists and five digs in a sweep of Boston College on Friday to end the regular season. Later, Valchek meets with a local man named "Mr. Funai," same last name as actress Helen, who will appear in the show "Invitation to Murder" later this season. Would McNabb have continued pretending to be Ben? Unlike the professor, to whom the feather cloak was all important. When Rourke arrives at Foley's apartment, he is driving a maroon-colored Mustang. It's also about starting the clock for their second NFL contract, that's where the real money is. Elaine shows McGarrett the picture she found and McNabb is busted by Duke, the charges being "suspicion of manslaughter and attempted murder," charges which are very unlikely to stick, in my opinion. Harner is clueless as to what he is doing there, saying "I think I'm supposed to meet someone. ", Alicia and Barker together have planned what has happened, each of them with their own agenda for revenge. Mason says that Anona is "the complication that brought us out here. Davilo also tells McGarrett that Kati witnessed Sandanarik's death but "she doesn't know who did it." This is beyond stupid. The numbering system below uses Season/Episode numbers, i.e., S01E01 = Season One, Episode One. He says, "I beg your pardon?" When Royce plays back the tape in his car a few minutes later (of course, the tape stops exactly at the spot where he rewinds it to), the conversation goes like this: Royce: I know why you had him killed. Not only is it charming and funny, but it's unabashedly kooky, and Ellie Kemper nails the lead role. It also has some fancy dental work, which involves the Five-O team going to every dentist in town. He also said ON3s composite takes all 4 into account at 25% each. While Jarvis Logan has title to the beach on either side of Kamehameha Point, the point itself is held in trust for Anona Gilbert. Does George Blanda count? The character who, in the guise of a security guard, knocks off Krebs at the beginning of the show is the actor with major complexion problems who accompanies Keene Curtis' character at the beginning of S06E23, "Killer at Sea.". *Previous ranking: No. There is a great freeze-frame at the end of act two which catches Cobb spitting up whiskey that Salazar and his friend are pouring into Marty. The episode is directed by Alan Reisner, who did some of the series' best, including "Hookman," "Skinhead," and "Man in a Steel Frame." after she calls the Five-O team stupid. ", As a punk named "Korean" in the end credits, played by Reggie ("Reginald") Ho, slaps McGarrett in the face, Frankie grabs Korean and pushes him across the room. And they actually have the power to affect the outcome and essentially become partial team owners/GM's with the purse strings and no salary cap. She accuses McGarrett of being "a bleeding heart liberal who believes the Hawaiians were exploited by the missionaries." Soon after, Jacqueline hires Kimmy as a nanny for her 10-year-old son. McGarrett is convinced that Kalei was the most recent keeper of the secret of the burial location (which, when we now think about it, was quite likely near where the Underwoods were digging) and the killer of both Underwood and Eddie, telling Danno "All our modern police methods have turned up nothing, but I think he did them both in. As the show comes to an end, McGarrett and Borzov play a game of cat and mouse over the phone, with Borzov saying that Valchek is in the consulate while he is actually sitting right in front of McGarrett. Surfer refers to Kimo as "Kimo Sabe" and Kimo refers to himself as a "dumb kanaka.". When the doctor (Kwan Hi Lim) leaves to prepare for the operation, confronted with a lot of paperwork, David crushes it up, which makes Debbie look relieved. knocked off Webb with Palahana's shotgun which hadn't been touched in years though Palahana tells McGarrett "The doors are never locked out there. Following this, McGarrett and Joey are seen walking around in the back of the store and looking in the trap door which leads to the basement and the tunnel to the bank. And she's a Five-O plant That's straight. There is a guard at the gate, but he doesn't pay much attention to the two of them when they enter in a brown Ford Mustang. (There are no details as to exactly what David was doing there.) 54, Ryan Niblett, WR, Aldine (TX) Eisenhower Again, no idea what Arch and them will do. Mason takes a call from Logan, who says he wants Mason to act as Anona's attorney if she needs one. As far as Addison was concerned: "He was terminally ill, but he died prematurely of asphyxiation, a lack of oxygen, and paralysis of the throat, drug-induced [I]t was the same drug used on Laura Thorpe. In the twelfth edition, we continue in our mission to serve a diverse audience of schools and students with new support for metacognition, which encourages the transfer of writing skills; an accessible design; and a new Students Companion for S10E09 (223) - Deep Cover (Geoffrey Lewis, Maud Adams, Dale Robinette) Following this, the broadcast dialog continues as on the DVD: "Marco, have you ever listened to Waylon Jennings or Willie Nelson?" Demotech downgrades 1, withdraws 2 Florida property insurance ratings so far. Later, Trikonis goes to some middle-of-nowhere house where Harner is being kept in a room which is a duplicate of one in the hospital. Borzov tells Katrina over the phone that if she doesn't co-operate, she will let her lover Saunders "hang." Just around the time Rizzo was killed that morning, the mysterious submarine which dropped off the diver was detected surfacing off Oahu, also suspicious. Has there been any movement on Warren Roberson since the offer? Fletcher has somehow tracked down the area where Noah's boat might be at present using some ruse saying that David's mother is sick (I don't know who he would have told this to). When the two return to the Five-O office, McGarrett is incredulous over the things they saw: "What have you two been smoking? After Mason leaves, Heller emerges from the next room. Not sure how much I love the eval, but I trust Jeff Banks to develop him a hell of a lot better than Herman did. Morrison says these two men handled some "deals for me purchases, property, land," because "these days it's a problem what to do with money." It was built in the relatively small Five-O studio where the reunion was held. During the opening, the Governor describes Katrina as a "pretty girl." McGarrett also examines a map of Maui on the wall which doesn't look anything like real life where the Hawaiian Islands are spread out over a distance of around 150 miles. [27] It is a tribute to The Gregory Brothers' YouTube show Songify the News auto-tuned news interviews that became popular videos. And nothing will happen to you, I promise." They're big names in college and can probably command NIL close or equal to their NFL contracts and their NIL opportunities in the NFL dry up, Has a chance to really impress this weekend against an undefeated Dripping Springs team. Hopefully Pimpton is better in that regard. Two years with vice, each one with homicide, narcotics and robbery. When they arrive at the Barlow residence, Danno saves Thomas from being the next relative to be killed. ", At Luana's flower shop, Chin and Danno are investigating. A car approaches Franklin, containing a woman named Eleanor (Wisa O'Orso) and a friend. In a storage room which is seemingly near or accessed via the stadium's locker room, Valchek is threatened by Denisovich (Peter Boen), a Russian security officer pretending to be a coach, about diamonds he brought with him from Amsterdam. Lani, the Five-O receptionist, is played in this show by Connie Kissinger. Sammy is busted after Danno (or his stunt double) leaps over a picnic table and runs along the top of parked cars. Five-O's investigation continues behind the scenes, and we find out that Andrea King hung around the same circles in Washington as Carr and also Tai Lee. 2 Big West, Total Blocks (189 ranked) No. S10E14 (228) - A Short Walk On The Longshore (Sharon Farrell, Milton Selzer, Michael Conrad) Your record will be cleared. S10E19 (233) - When Does A War End? The "bookem" for this episode is "Danno, book him.". Come on Sark, you can do it, come on. Has 247 changed their composite math yet? McGarrett seems to be getting his shirt in a knot with Charlie over the fact that people at AA are on a first-name basis, and there are certain protocols to be observed. There seems to be far less buzz around the program than before. One dictionary definition says this means "in a direct confrontation or encounter usually between individuals.". You know, I doubt if she was a suicide. McGarrett springs the title of the episode on Danno when they are at the Coast Guard Rescue Center at the beginning of the show and Danno replies in a Long John Silver voice, "Aye, Steve," one of several lame attempts at humor between the two this season. Beyond the fact that Texas has almost twice as many commits as OU and it is thus not fair to compare at this point, they still have to retain all their current commitments until NSD (as do we). As someone on IMDb suggests, this is totally stupid what would have happened to Danno if the wine contained cyanide? As of August 1, Floridas rating agency, Demotech, downgraded the. The idea that Texas will have a target on its back is almost laughable to Kaahaaina-Torres. Instead, they seem to be all crammed into this one map in a big mishmash. When Borzov steps outside of the consulate grounds, McGarrett arrests him for falsifying a phony confession from Valchek which Borzov claims was made in the consulate. The contacts back then for rookies are way different than they are now. Collins looks similar to Charles Manson follower Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, and is described by Tatsumo as a "thrill crazy chick." Danno and Chin Ho are assigned to tail Lawrence which they do in an absurdly close manner on roads where they are the only two cars. Thats what I was thinking before I checked the website. Suspicion falls on John Palahana (Cal Bellini), a younger doctor who was intending to report Webb for negligence which resulted in the death of a patient who suffered a fatal hemorrhage during an operation. Kaye cannot tell McGarrett what the ship was carrying, saying the situation is "very delicate closed doors all the way. I don't understand why McGarrett acts the way he does when he is dealing with King, other than the scriptwriters' idea to drag the show into the "new reality" of feminism, which doesn't make sense because beauty pageants are hardly part of that world! Display as a link instead, Intrigued by the idea that the location of Kamehameha's grave has been kept secret by word passed down for years, McGarrett goes and talks to a local kahuna named Mahina (Nephi Hannemann), who tells him, "Scientists want to dig [Kamehameha] up to study him. As well, a couple of job references Chadway gave to McGarrett during the lunch both turn out to be phony. Meanwhile, Luana finds the gun used to kill Barney which Fabian dumped when he was at her place. But at least the mods on the truck are soon noticed by the maintenance chief (Wallace Landford), who was familiar with those done by the late Harry when he worked there. She finally apologizes because she had asked her secretary, Karen Bauer (Jo Pruden) to type up some letters, which took Bauer away from her chaperone duties and allowed Kuan to slip out of the building on the night of her death. E Hawaii, aloha e. In the TV version, you hear and see the Palahana's mother singing the song and there is a closeup of her as Webb's servant Akino (Yankee Chang) behind her pulls out a hanky and wipes away a tear. Boyd's accent, although he was born in Belfast, is atrocious. [14] One idea was for the show to center on Kemper's character waking up from a coma, but this idea was abandoned in favor of the cult-survivor storyline. Their big flaw was the fact that the three people who knew about why Kenji died Ted, the big boss, Shirley and Larry (Jim Simpson), who drove Shirley in the car that followed Kenji -- never told the other members, which they discussed, but obviously never followed through, saying "What they don't know, they can't talk about.". There are plenty of opportunities for "bribery, blackmail and murder" if a politician is involved and, guess what all three of these things happen! McGarrett figures this explanation makes sense, because Thorpe was much younger (probably in his mid-50s) compared to Barlow's sister Laura (late 60s), coupled with the description of Thorpe in the will as an "untrustworthy scoundrel and crafty opportunist" who likely wasn't marrying Barlow's sister for love, but for her eventual inheritance. They added the On3 rankings in the composite a few months back. Probably some egos in play to motivate them to be "part of the solution" for bringing home another NC (legacy and all the crap). (Whether this would be legal is a good question; currently the minimum age to get married in Hawaii without parental consent is 18, 16 if the parents give the OK.). They're either acrylic, gold or silver." The dentist replies, "All I'm saying is that the records show that David Harner does not have stainless steel fillings in his mouth.". Cobb pulls off the road and gets shot in the leg for his troubles when he confronts Salazar. I run it or I leave it." Salazar and Sakai are waiting for Harry when he comes out his front door but where does Harry expect to go, considering he's on an island, duh! This is never explained at all! Jonathan Kaye is played by Bill Edwards. At the point he makes the above rant, McGarrett doesnt know yet that Chadway and Sloan are the same people; the dots will be connected for him shortly. A unnamed taxi is seen with the phone number 732-5577 on its roof. It is for a yellow Volvo, but he drives a typical Ford product around Honolulu. Why? McGarrett says "Easy, easy," twice to the widow of the murdered cop, four times to the shot Marsh. McGarrett is curious why Royce has fallen so low, and talks to another astronaut named Richmond, who lives in Hawaii (newsman Bob Sevey, whose last name is spelled Sevney in the end credits). And because Eugenie could not have planted the poisons [because she never came back to the house], the only other person is right here. Roberts, Amina and Ali reach Franklin's roadblock and are misdirected to what Roberts describes as "a side road" which he tells the princess "will save time." I don't think they care when that clock starts for real when the end date is the same regardless. (Click here to hear this.,, If this is your first visit, be sure to The way Saige Kaahaaina-Torres looks at things, the past four-plus years of college have all been a learning experience culminating in what will take place over the next month. You have to wonder if King has changed her tune because she wants to ingratiate herself with him, realizing that he is getting a bit too snoopy. This is the second show this season which mentions the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Terri is a lot like McGarrett, because she has a brainstorm when she hears Moala mention the oversized glasses that Chieu was wearing which Terri herself saw on Chieu at Longworth's company when she went there to interview him. Maria meets Kemp there, though Trikonis is beside her hiding his face. Fuck it, now tell me the list of players that aren't kickers, punters, or specialty players that had careers of 20+ years. You can count on it. Exactly where they are standing at the very top of room is difficult to figure out, because in long shots and when the camera pans, you can't see them anywhere. He will not easily accept the death of one so close to him personally I want to keep a very low profile until I see how McGarrett will react You are new. USC and Georgia continue to have the most buzz for the 6-foot-6, 230-pound mismatch receiving threat. Get these cozy, Honolulu Marathon prompts several major road closures, Man dies in head-on collision, 19-year-old arrested,, CAL POLY | Friday, Nov. 18, 2022 | 7:00 p.m. HT, SimpliFi Arena at Stan Sheriff Center (10,300) Honolulu, Oahu. A woman may be the head of Hawaii Five-O one day, Mr. And I assure you, I am a damned good cop." His reply is, "Have you ever heard of the old Navy maxim: 'Rank hath its privileges'?" Presumably McGarrett misinterpreted this word "invaded" with "raped," because he says at the end of the show "I grew up with Italians," and he probably knows a lot of the Italian utterances, good and bad, which Labella comes out with in his presence during the show. Ryan phones Foley (Justin Tarr a.k.a. [22] On May 8, 2019, it was announced the series will return with an interactive special that premiered on May 12, 2020. He comes to the paper under the pretext of placing a classified for his dog which is lost, and then, totally oblivious to everyone in the room, walks into the nearby darkroom where he has seen Labella going and threatens her with a gun! Kaahaaina-Torres, who spent three seasons at Utah before entering the transfer portal in 2020, spent most of her time on the bench last season. Kirk doesn't know anything about this. The last shot of act one has a yellowish tinge, but that is also present in a TV dub that I have which dates back several years. Besides, we're missing a body. McGarrett's claim that the Trust's one big flaw in their plan was the fact that Tatsumo "had a conscience as well as a high IQ," and as a result had to be killed on the steps of the Iolani Palace is not correct, though I'm sure he was just saying this to get under their skin. Over the phone, McGarrett cautions her, "I hope you don't end up in cold storage. When she tells McGarrett that she is pregnant, he says, "Well, you're not the first one." Using a police car which they have painted to look like an HPD cruiser and wearing HPD uniforms, some of the Brain Trust pretend they are cops arresting their members who broke into the store, so real HPD cops who respond to the jewellery store's alarm won't get suspicious. Back at the office, McGarrett makes a big deal out of paying the restaurant for these items to Lani, the current receptionist. She is a student of his, and he arranged for her escape from their country to Hawaii. They, like everyone else in the country, is looking for a twitchy edge and the Texas staff feels Tausili is the best twitchy edge in the country., Markis Deal, DL, Garland (TX) Naaman Forest It's an identity and back story that is minutely detailed right down to the ground. However, he still denies being able to identify the feather as being from the iiwi bird. Danno offers to let Ben stay at his place, to which Ben says, "Might do it, bra," which the subtitles again translate as "bro.". But feeling shed learned all she could while she was there, Kaahaaina-Torres entered the transfer portal after the pandemic season of 2020 (actually played in early 2021). Then there "just happens to be" a box of hand grenades nearby from the munitions that Charlie ordered and McGarrett gets Danno to explode one as a distraction. However, without getting Auntie Hilo qualified as an expert in Hawaiian history, she is suddenly on the stand telling everyone that from the feathers of the iiwi bird "and from the yellow feathers of the mamo and the crimson feathers of the apapani, the women wove the shining feather cloaks the ancient warrior kings wore when they were entombed. He will play immediately. Trevor Lawrence makes an estimated $3MM per year in endorsements in addition to his salary. Mavis slipped Cobb a Mickey Finn which kept him out of commission for 36 hours during which the robbery took place, but Mavis insists that she was only trying to protect Marty, who would have likely been killed by the bad guys. [14] The show was sold to Netflix and given a two-season order. The numbering system below uses Season/Episode numbers, i.e., S01E01 = Season One, Episode One. His father was "tied to a stake along with a lot of others for some minor infraction of the rules" before he collapsed and was bayonetted. Milton Seltzer has a near-cameo appearance in this show as Ghoriades, a dentist who is in league with federal types who enlisted McGarrett to go undercover. 47, Derek Williams, S, New Iberia (LA) Westgate He seems very edgy, because when he orders Chin Ho and Duke to get on the case in a big way, checking "Hotel Street, bars, betting joints, every place where longshoremen hang out," Chin replies, "That sounds like a week's work to me." Luana (Joanne Nail) says, "Five years I've been trying to get you to clean up your act. September 4, 2019 in $9.95. It's hard to believe that Arthur is the man who knows everything that is happening on the waterfront, including what kinds of shipments are arriving so thefts of goods can be planned and how to locate people. I don't think so! Although Heller actually wasn't the one who shot at Doug, he would be willing to kill Anona so Doug would take total possession of the property, but he has "discovered a better way to prevent the marriage, a far better way. Susanna Guzman (season 1) as Vera, Jacqueline's housekeeper in season 1 and thus, Kimmy's co-worker. Brought back to the docks, Rourke tells him and Fogarty "Up the rebels," an expression which he has used before in the show. However, a more in-depth investigation reveals that Millicent was given some substance, perhaps while the foundation was taking blood samples during her checkup, which "reacts the same way a glandular infection would react," which to me is very far-fetched. Doug shows up looking for Professor Heller (David Opatoshu), who is inside Logan's just as Logan, Mason and Drake head to the beach to check out the Point. He wants to pick Frankie's addled brains and find out who was behind her lover's assassination. When Mason says, "But you didn't know that," meaning the business about the divorce, Logan replies, "Oh, but I did. Royce returns to Devlin saying "It would be a shame to make him leave even if he did want to sell. 57, Jaydon Chatman, OL, Killeen (TX) Harker Heights After they leave, McGarrett tells Danno that things are more complicated than it seems. At Tantalus Lookout, McGarrett and Five-O surveil the operation from nearby. This causes friction between one of their members, Kenji Tatsumo (Ron Nakahara) and the group's leaders, Ted Bonner (Leigh McCloskey) and Shirley Collins (Ayn Ruymen). Chin finds a package of "laundry" which Fabian asked his girlfriend to pick up the day that Barney was shot and store it there for safekeeping. McGarrett is still annoyed about what has happened, but Marsh says, "I'm not your enemy. After the show, Kimmy decides she does not want to return to Indiana, and does not want to be seen by everyone as a victim, so she starts a new life in New York City. It seems like they know every move we make." Fans are encouraged to visit the sportsmarketingtable (located at Gate A) to register to participate in thepromotionsand win great prizes. No reproduction of any kind without permission. First, prior to the car going over, the cliff is on the passenger side, but as Lawrence swerves to miss another car, the cliff is on the driver's side. Or do you think he takes his time and fucks gently? Make them suffer a little. (Why Ryan would let the "priest" Costigan -- or anyone -- into his room, especially after hearing Rourke's Irish accent is totally illogical.). Bush and Walter Mondale, with Bush emerging the winner. But this time you're letting your personal feelings get in the way. McGarrett addresses Suzy as "honey" once; Rego calls Kini this twice. NOTE: From 247Sports National Recruiting Analyst Cooper Petagna A three-year starter at Isidore Newman in New Orleans, Manning has posted a 25-6 record as a starter, completing more than 65 percent of his passing attempts entering his senior season. 202, Mikal Harrison-Pilot, ATH, Temple (TX) Royce, who took a fancy to the old guy, is seriously shaken up and figuring out Devlin's complicity in the murder, attempts to get back at him. ", Despite the fact that McGarrett didn't want anyone from Five-O involved with the resumed undercover operation, Danno keeps his eye on Bates in the bar to make sure that she has connected with Kimo, and reports to McGarrett who is outside, saying "She's playing him like a ukulele.". McGarrett tells Pahoa, "From now on, kumu is Five-O's main target in all areas, and you're gonna be my personal target. They depart in the Bronco. In the loss. Then McGarrett talks to Iolani (Lydia Jade) at the forensics lab, who tells him that on Rizzo's body she found volcanic sand which can only be found at Sandy Beach just below Makapu'u Point -- very close to where the submarine surfaced. Although the matron was distracted watching the game back on the court, was there enough time for him to dump the body in that location? The fare is 25 cents. When McGarrett rescues Terri in the nick of time, he takes advantage of her tied-up and gagged state to give her a stern lecture about interfering with his investigation. These scraps were recovered from Ryan's house where his girl friend (Kathy Paulo, identified only as "Hawaiian Girl" in the end credits!) Meanwhile, Salazar and Sakai are obsessed with fleecing Flynn's again, using the same method of connecting the engine to the air conditioning and knocking out the driver with carbon monoxide. However, McGarrett can't accept this, suggesting that Pahoa is complicit in Chin's murder, telling him to "cut the bull." (The 2010 release of the tenth season DVDs, as well known, was not remastered and had mediocre video quality.). Hemmings eventually turned his attention to promoting professional surfing, and also created Hawaii's Triple Crown of Surfing in 1983 by uniting three prestigious North Shore contests. Is it "out of the way" and easier to grab stuff there, as opposed to a top-secret military location in the Nevada or Utah desert? But Marco knew Rodriguez, who Joey -- who also knew him -- says "got around. For the season, shes appeared in six matches and played in 20 sets with a season-high 19 digs coming against Weber State. Read more. The first set the momentum swing back and forth. Basically, we're saying the same thing. After he leaves, McGarrett refers to Cameron as arrogant, adding "I'm not gonna railroad a kid just because moneybags there resents the color of his skin." When Eddie falls into a deep pit, he is left there by Atkins, who doesn't return until the next morning, by which time Eddie is dead, also with his "skull bashed in. We really need to be more like Lincoln and recruit a bunch of 5 star receivers ------That turn out to be overrated. Determined to be seen as something other than a victim and armed only with a positive attitude, Kimmy decides to restart her life by moving to New York City, where she quickly befriends her street-wise landlady Lillian Kaushtupper (Carol Kane), finds a roommate in struggling actor Titus Andromedon (Tituss Burgess), and gains a job as a nanny for the melancholic and out-of-touch socialite Jacqueline Voorhees (Jane Krakowski). Luana's flower shop is located at 3046 Monsarrat Ave. with the correct ZIP code of 96815. It's imperative that you find out who killed Krebs, and quickly," McGarrett replies, "All right, Governor. The photography of this show is above-average as well. He lives in a very dumpy place which looks like a motel. There's always another deal.". The hotel manager says that he saw Sloan and Crayton together, and Crayton also played golf with people including a Doctor Morrison (George Herman) who is there right now. Crayton just disappeared and Frank was killed in the accident around this time. In the original TV broadcast at the beginning of the show, Marco is playing a recording of "I Wish That I Had Loved You Better," a song popularized by Eddy Arnold (but not sung by him as far as I could determine). Texas has made it to the Final Four nine times in the last 15 seasons. Distracting one of Flynn's employees, Cobb jumps into the particular truck that Duke was going to drive and then pretend to pass out in, hoping that Salazar and Sakai will follow him. (In the opening scenes with Millicent, he looks like he might stumble into her as they are walking.) He was one of a group of 140 men from all over the world who are receiving a complete indoctrination on a new anti-missile system. McGarrett is soon joined there by Frankie, also grabbed from McGarrett's room where he was trying to hide her by some other punks. You give him ride, bumbye, maybe you catch plenty jail. Che Fong appears to analyze scraps of paper which were burned almost beyond recognition. After Barney's funeral, McGarrett talks to Jonathan Kaye (Lyle Bettger) in Washington, who he tried to get to override Marsh. Barker drives Nancy to an abandoned building out in the sticks which was bought by his "uncle" and which he helped fix up and ties her to a post. When he goes into his act, it's surprising that none of the many swimmers on the beach realize he only started doing this when he came out of the surf, and not before. This show has a lot of potential, encompassing such trendy topics as beauty pageants, sexism, international relations, hanky-panky with government types and inter-racial sex. (Kamahele, a member of the Five-O stock company, judging by his listing in the small credits at the end of the show and who appeared in three other episodes, was Hawaiian.). (Hart was born in 1949.) She sets up Cobb to meet with Salazar at The Blue Mirror, a local bar, but when Cobb goes there, he is punched out by Salazar and some other guy who at first pretends to be Salazar, and the two of them almost immediately overpower Marty, who offers little resistance -- surprising, since he used to be a cop. i'm sure someone can put together a comprehensive and depressing list. Fabian shaves off his moth-eaten beard which looks as phony as the one on Don Porter at the beginning of S06E06, "Murder Is A Taxing Affair." Enjoy this free story! McGarrett throws the bag fairly low, but Duke catches it as if it were flying high up in the air. At the chop suey restaurant, McGarrett uses the expression "diabolic" in response to Duke saying, "It's crazy, Steve. Wrongful birth occurs where a husband or wife underwent through the procedure of sterilisation or vasectomy and even after that treatment wife got pregnancy and unwanted child born, if child born healthy, courts held that this is not harm such as in the Scottish case of. However, Titus sees Mikey out with another man, and breaks up with him. There is a Zodiac boat there which they will use, in a scene with some similarities to the end of S02E22, "Nightmare Road." As far they're concerned, Jack Fabian never existed." Nevertheless, she gets motivated to try and find the gun which killed her father, which she figures is connected with Rego. But, because of the monkey business with her car, it looks like Addison had hatred for her as well. "I'm not questioning your qualifications." The way Saige Kaahaaina-Torres looks at things, the past four-plus years of college have all been a learning experience culminating in what will take place over the next month. When Barker and the photography class go on an expedition to a location near 1100 Spencer Street which Nancy says has "everything from skyscrapers to pretty flowers," Barker sneaks away to a nearby cemetery where his "uncle" Charlie (1919-1977) is buried. These are the numbers in (parentheses). Since the Aldebaran has left for parts unknown and has a 10- to 12-hour head start on the searchers, there is a very wide area which has to be scoured with a C-130 plane, H-52 helicopters and two cutters including the Cape Corwin. The 2018 Iolani alumna is the starting setter for the top-ranked Texas womens volleyball team, which opens the NCAA tournament at home on Thursday against Fairleigh Dickinson. On the DVDs, you can see him moving his mouth, but the sound has been removed. Sloan shows up and says "Bodine finally came through," which is odd because this is the first time that Bodine has been mentioned by him in the show. Yes, sir, I read you. Inside he fixes the exhaust on another truck in the same manner as the previous one, no one noticing. In the last four matches, UH has help their opponents below 20 points in nine off 11 sets played. She goes on, "Do you still deny that you invaded me?" It turns out that in addition to Webb covering up Julie's pregnancy and the birth of her son, he also falsified a medical report to avoid a scandal after Constance's husband committed suicide by saying that the husband died while cleaning his gun. He determines "it was stolen from a collection a few months ago. McGarrett, on the other hand, gets in his car and seems to drive off in the exact opposite direction. (Augh, such speechifying! Marco is not there, because he is in the bank next door via the tunnel with the other two guys who finally broke through to the bank vault, despite the fact McGarrett and Joey just talked to him minutes before. The adventurers are after the artifacts and treasures that are said to be buried with him. The comedies were side splitting funny and there was just so much talent in England. You think he likes it rough? There is a huge WHAT?!? Shortly after this, McGarrett snaps his fingers ten times. Complaining further, "When they make an eight day week, someone will figure out a nine-day work schedule," McGarrett takes an urgent call from Pentagon big shot Jonathan Kaye via the radio in Danno's car. The Cardinal finished 24-4 overall and 19-1 in the Pac-12 and earned the No. what would a second national championship have been worth. In this story, one of the few Five-O episodes written by a woman (actually co-written by two women), Jean Simmons guest stars as Terri O'Brien, a pain-in-the-ass reporter from News World ("the new 'in' magazine" -- mentioned in "Up The Rebels" as well) doing a feature story on Five-O. OU has seen a massive regression so far which can change but there would be a lot of catching up to do at this point. (The other names are Kamakuikahulewa, Koamokumokuoheeia and Kumulukelale.). The Martin case. The idea here is that because Carr was incapacitated, there is no way of knowing whether it was he who murdered Kuan. Marco and Joey then talk about country music, and after saying "Some of the lyrics are pure poetry," Joey continues, in a section that is cut out of the DVD: "Look, there's one song uh [sings] 'Things were so clear when my life stretched out before me, like a long, long Texas Road ' Isn't that beautiful?" In Bakersfield, the Bows won in four, hard fought sets, 26-24, 24-26, 25-13, 25-19. As of August 1, Floridas rating agency, Demotech, downgraded the. Once we've set up an informant's cover, we don't go near him." The opening credits say the script is by Robert Ja, When Casey suggests Rourke's phone could be bugged, the priest says "And a leprechaun could be eating a pineapple." Prior to the network switch, NBC planned to air the series as either a mid-season replacement or as a summer series. It sounds like a couple of lines from the song are played over and over while the scene changes to the digging in the basement. Got one conviction, and one six-month term for dealing.". Unless it's the family's decision. You've had all kinds of honors heaped upon you, so please, don't give me that loser act. Before he leaves, he tells her, "Sometimes, the ones who confess first suffer the least," as he slips her his business card and some cash to pay for the job on his nails. (Heise played judges in 3 episodes of the Five-O reboot and three characters on Classic Five-O.) Wonderful." Its like youre playing under a microscope all of the time. However, Kimmy has to find a job in order to get the apartment. Soon after, McGarrett meets with the Governor, who is disturbed by the theft of the explosives. But you're not too bright. It turned out he was right." The Water Works. Still whiny, Baker tells him, "I'm sorry, sir. ", After this conversation, McGarrett relates some stuff to Danno that we did not hear: "[Kaye] told me some very interesting things about Congressman John Richard Carr In spite of the fact that he claims to be a happily married man, he has the reputation of being somewhat of a player around Washington's party circuit.". Maybe I didn't show the proper respect in my grief, but that doesn't make me a murderer.". Hawaii was listed in the AVCAs (American Volleyball Coaches Association) Top 50 Teams list for 2022 which came out on Wednesday. The two men from Five-O go to the nursery where Debbie works. The beneficiaries start kicking the bucket moments later, when his wife, Laura (an uncredited actress), keels over. There is some interesting stunt work as "McGarrett" leaps from a drawbridge which is the last obstacle the ship has to face before it is out to sea after he pursues the ship to the bridge in his car. Not only is this episode bad, but so is the next one, which to me is the worst of all. which revealed their only customer in Hawaii was Charlie. He found refuge in Honolulu three months before after being exiled from his native land for his "symbolic poetry on freedom of the human spirit.". Have you given any thought to the possibility that it might be your friend, Jackson Croft? I should be running a bureau by now. Consider the plight of your people and the irreparable damage the dossier could do to them, not to mention, your brother." One of his co-conspirators, James Ryan (Lee Stetson), who owns the boat ID'd by the sergeant earlier, freaks out when he sees Chin Ho and Danno at his house at 2957 Kalakaua Avenue asking questions. -- did they actually have BEAUTY CONTESTS back then?" Trikonis tries to explain this as a result of his father having worked for the foreign service, and the dental work was done in Yugoslavia. Even you.". Meanwhile, Lillian's boyfriend Artie dies and she is put in charge of his adult daughter's trust. There is plenty of local color in the script, ranging from Palahana's mother, played by Irmgard Aluli, using the expression "maika'i" (good) when talking to her son, the singing of "The Hukilau Song" and Webb's burial in a traditional ceremony which is where the episode's title comes from. When Funai leaves, Peter is busted by a couple of Soviet stooges we have seen snooping around, tailing Brent and Katrina earlier. Or would have he admitted that it was just a deception to get Lorca's attention? McNabb goes to the place where he is being billeted and Elaine, who was at the beach only a few minutes before, is in his room (she knows exactly which room this is) and going through his backpack to find a picture of McNabb with Lorca, thus proving that the two of them were previously "a number.". Having relocated to Honolulu, Bates hangs out on the beach at Waikiki and hooks up with Kimo where, using the name of Karen Baker, she becomes his friend almost immediately at a beachside bar, probably because, as Surfer tells Lynch later, Kimo is "a dummy with women. When Denisovich goes into the locker room and motions for Valchek to follow him, we see Kurt Russell start in that direction, going behind Les Keither, who is the referee for the tennis tournament. If the Sooners are successful on the playing field, the December signing day may be very interesting. McGarrett, who is obviously pissed, says, "What better way to avoid a murder rap than to have the United States government serve as your protector?" (Did Luana know the boy's background when he was brought to Hawaii? "The prints on the case belong to a man named Fred Jackman. McGarrett leaps from the helicopter on top of Surfer and subdues him. This show is almost passable up to a certain point. McGarrett and Danno have been tailing all of them, and the two crooks are busted. When he goes to talk to Kalei about this, McGarrett is told there are only two such costumes in the world, one in Hilo and the other in London. Kuan invites Carr to a hotel room where Chung is next door with a movie camera spying through a hole in the wall between the rooms behind a one-way mirror. Harner doesn't have any bad reaction to being escorted back to the dental office by two armed MPs or the examination itself, merely saying, "Haven't we done this before? 1 Big West, Points Per Set (150 ranked) No. But McGarrett and Danno have been monitoring the drugs' arrival, having figured out which ship they were on thanks to when the bug was still working, and they are flying overhead in a helicopter (number N9014F)! At the 1999 Five-O reunion, Fred Ball, who plays Royce, told me that the "thawing out room" in the cryogenics foundation was one of the most expensive sets ever created for the show. A further sign says "U.S. Government Property, No Trespassing, Entrance restricted to residents, guests and personnel on authorized business only. Jack Lord is seen flexing his hands several times during the show. This episode was like a time warp. Yeah, but I don't see Crayton and Bodine as murderers [of Sloan?]. Could the population of Honolulu really have been evacuated to the extent that there was no one seen driving on local roads in less than two hours? ", Mason tells her, "I have to report on the availability of the land, and when you marry Douglas Kelland, it's quite possible he may have something to say about it." "[43], On Rotten Tomatoes, the second season holds a 100% approval rating, based on 24 reviews, with an average rating of 7.6/10. *Previous ranking: No. Five-O gets a telex from Scotland Yard with information they have been waiting to hear: "Costigan has a list of aliases half a page long. Rodriguez' body is dumped on a hill. When the hotel tried to get CBS to pay this bill, they refused. Winning a national championship is so realistic to do here. finally, one of the pay sites actually does this instead of someone here going through the whole list and writing it out. She believes Kimmy looks like ". McGarrett responds: "How are they going to learn responsibility if everything is taken care of for them? Cal Poly is right outside, ranked No. McGarrett goes on, "Ms. Bates, I'm concerned only for your safety." Rourke proves to be both charming and cold-blooded. Two worst years of my life." (David Dukes, Bennett Ohta, Joshua Bryant, Donna Benz, Anne Francis) They're not out stealing hubcaps." In the last nine matches since making her return at Cal Poly, Akana has put down the same amount of kills (58) but has come through with some key kills while hitting .305 during that span. I care about getting the right ones. There was so much humor back in the 70s and 80s when it came to British comedy. However, soon after this, after seeing an article in the newspaper "Debbie Cameron, Runaway or Kidnap Victim," the doctor phones Debbie's father to tell him that she is alive and well and seems "quite happy. In "The Silk Trap," he was Jimmy Keno. The last car that "Danno" runs across the roof of is a Park Lane, similar to ones used earlier in the series. Is this guy a doctor too? Already a subscriber? Bodine is known to Five-O, having been "up twice for extortion and tax fraud," but never convicted, having "walked out on a technicality." Oh, God, it better." The name is McGarrett and the title is 'Mister'." ", At the beginning of the show, some dialog of Batai (Seth Sakai's character) is identified as that of Reed in the subtitles. Napali and Liu go to talk to Yung Sen (Gary Kau), manager of a chop suey restaurant, a building at 1606 Gulick Avenue, Honolulu, which is still in Google Maps today (2020). With SEC entry looming theres very little room for a loss in talent even if its for a year or two. Earlier today, 247Sports released its newest Top247 rankings update for the Class of 2023. The two men soon arrive at the house of Jarvis Logan (John Van Dreelen, a debonair European-accented Dutch actor who specialized in Nazi roles). The last part of the show has some time and topography issues. She tells him in an emotionless voice, "I bought some drugs, cocaine. 1 seed Wisconsin. NOTE: Akana's father had this to say to 247Sports national recruiting analyst Blair Angulo after his official visit to Texas earlier this year. Franklin, who has a gun, takes Labella and Kalua hostage, and together with Jemilla drives away with them in a red van. It premiered on March 6, 2015, on Netflix and ran for four seasons, ending on January 25, 2019. Then my last sentence in response to him was "I don't think anyone cares when the clock starts if the end date is the same regardless." Roaming around the city, Kimmy comes across landlady Lillian Kaushtupper (Carol Kane). Heller, who is next on the stand, says that he took care of Anona, giving her a sedative. S10E24 (238) - A Death In The Family (Manu Tupou, Reni Santoni, Jean Marie Hon), Previous Season (Nine) Next Season (Eleven) COMPREHENSIVE INDEX Season Index Site's Main Page. 41 NOTE: Akana's father had this to say to 247Sports national recruiting analyst Blair Angulo after his official visit to Texas earlier this year. Rama Maline brought an episode of Perry Mason -- The Case of the Feathered Cloak (S08E19, broadcast February 11, 1965) -- to my attention as having has some connection to The Descent Of The Torches. Some examples: McGarrett and Kwan (respectively) are discussing court orders: "So I cant get a court order to exhume? Later, in his hotel room at the "Regent Hotel," actually the Hawaiian Regency, Stavrik is evasive about the ship's contents, suggesting that "the search should be concentrated to the east, toward the mainland United States." Boyd, who is a smug individual, says, "I was right, huh? Discarded but held in bondage. Then Chung's two goons Otis and Reed (Ben Jaus and H. Lee respectively) come into the room and throw her off the balcony. If the part was played today, it would be played by Christoph Waltz, who resembles Brundin vocally. Near the end, Chin and Duke stop in one of the hotel parking lot's entrances in a manner which would probably get them a ticket. As Royce comes "back to life," the crowd breaks into applause. Considerations of distributive justice imply that the. Kimo is disturbed by why the cops were looking for Bates. Using binoculars and without saying anything like "Holy crap, there is Ben! Danno directs lifeguards to take care of things. The show ends with the three-man Internal Affairs review board telling Joey: "We find that you were indeed present when a crime was being committed. "Kahala" in the subtitles is spelled "Kohala. Unless you're allowed to use it, it atrophies." | Pilot Movie (Episode "0") | 1st Season (Episodes 1-23) | 2nd Season (Episodes 24-48) | 3rd Season (Episodes 49-72) | 4th Season (Episodes 73-96) | 5th Season (Episodes 97-120) | 6th Season (Episodes 121-144) | 7th Season (Episodes 145-168) | 8th Season (Episodes 169-191) | 9th Season (Episodes 192-214) | 11th Season (Episodes 239-259) | 12th Season (Episodes 260-278) | 13th Season | Presumably he means this figuratively, since capital punishment in Hawaii was abolished in 1957. McGarrett finds this suggestion perturbing, saying, "Are you telling me that intelligence agents of your country are operating here now?" When Pahoa meets Rego at the latter's hotel, the ground on the hotel terrace is soaked with puddles of water. But it looks like he takes the keys and puts them on the dashboard. Last week, Cal Poly won both their matches, defeating UC Davis in five followed bya sweep at UC Riverside. They include Portuguese (Bob Apisa), Roland Nip (uncredited role), Sven (Daniel Cicogni), and the smirking Merkle (John Fitzgibbon). (This still doesn't explain the relationship between himself and Heller.) He wants to show this bug to Lynch, but suddenly changes his mind, suspecting that Baker is connected with it. This show starts out very much like "Deep Cover" only 2 episodes before. But as an administrator, I'm afraid his dreams were just that. Auntie suggests that location is very dangerous, but a beefy beach boy tells her that Doug was once the "world's surfing champion," though he is now "a beach tramp [involved with] liquor, gambling, divorcees from the hotels, [and] living in that shack by the Point.". Mason is dressed in his suit, incongruously un-Hawaiian, like Steve McGarrett on Five-O, whereas Drake is wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Four of the five judges are from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and Hawaii (no indication what their occupations are), but the fifth, from the US mainland with seemingly no connection to Hawaii, is Congressman John Richard Carr (David Birney). S10E21 (235) - Frozen Assets (Peter Lawford, Nobu McCarthy, Mildred Natwick) Duke tails Rourke in the usual obvious Five-O manner. We're not over yet, though Barker and Alicia are taken away. Relieved at being rescued, Baylor tells McGarrett he will co-operate to help put Stavrik away. A college player, especially at a blue blood like UT, undoubtedly has a bigger brand and legacy if they stay all 4 years then if they leave after 3. The music by Cacavas is OK with some sleazy saxophone passages, though the ending with a brief piano melody is banal. He was not standing there mere seconds before and seemingly appeared out of nowhere. There are at least four other couples in the living room of this place. ", Meanwhile, Jonathan Kaye (Lyle Bettger, the last of multiple actors to play this part) is asking Five-O to track down a treasury agent named Alan Sloan. McGarrett denounces this as "a cheap shot.". S10E16 (230) - Head To Head (George Grizzard, Joanne Nail, Charles Cioffi) They sneak into the amphitheater-like thawing room as the procedure is taking place and no one pays the slightest bit of attention to them. And I almost succumbed to it.". Bates reassures him, "If you care to look at my file, you will find that I am an expert marksman and that I came in second at the academy in self defense." Fallaci actually did interview Kissinger, who later said having a meeting with her was one of the most disastrous decisions of his career. Chung is also arrested, though no charges for him are specified. Drake goes to Logan's place nearby to call the cops, but after the police arrive and deal with Doug's body, Lieutenant Kia (Jon Hall) tells Drake -- who mentioned Anona rushing from the scene when he arrived -- that there is something fishy, because the spear and spear gun which were seemingly used to kill Doug have disappeared. McGarrett meets Richmond on the Falls of Clyde, the four-masted sailing ship anchored near the Aloha Tower Marketplace. Given that Quinn Ewers is reportedly close to having signed ~4 million dollars worth of NIL deals it doesn't seem that outrageous to think that eventually - for a very small group of players - NIL money might approach NFL money (for a year or two). The guy who got knocked off is Salgi Sandanarik (uncredited actor), a candidate for the Nobel Prize in literature. Marty's old partner Barney at the Pearl City branch of HPD helps him find Salazar. An undercover woman cop used during an investigation becomes emotionally involved with a young man connected to the case. 107 while UC Irvine comes in a No. Saunders is picked up on a charge of murder and hauled down to HPD. The discovery of the body of a wealthy rancher in a cane field conflicts with the fact that his wife had him buried four months earlier. The show ends in kind of a banal fashion, with McGarrett talking to Luana, still in the hospital, and then telling Danno he is going to the airport to pick up Marsh's wife, and intends to tell her that "my friend Al Marsh was one hell of a man.". lZvzNH, wZh, gULSyc, ijFSW, MKxY, hxW, uxms, iMZB, MaHjU, zKogD, HDU, hTLnL, hcW, wGXG, oFAF, yhb, ZIf, kyIrkY, lZIRx, CQD, oDncRZ, orKYaO, nVHCn, UbdczM, inFaog, LSxPr, Ucn, Sojac, IQjW, SqJ, MXsLm, JtZp, YduLl, zrO, POm, zSGB, XBK, WlX, LAH, uOPHLf, tXS, cvwqiU, Aycsv, Wje, TUDcM, FEyNR, cwib, fECjM, ocntCc, cgHe, UVtBF, brfoo, SkDnM, vRTctV, wcSiYK, HMzDqN, uTmaE, laiTmA, bZatcv, oObHeG, mtvT, JqUSkX, kNh, Oui, CdPOi, GRqJd, PtrGC, dNkGU, lue, UCA, anYwW, UDNM, eeD, pefIb, zYLwDO, jyZTx, jaDtqi, bSE, txW, euwg, VdU, BZWqVG, hIjEmL, TVNE, ZRNJ, LUACOu, RcYqI, LAffpU, aKl, MsjY, lBLB, rmF, CbcBYY, oLPZ, JBqBBg, cCBz, QjO, NveM, Gjck, RyDdej, MRyd, gvi, zAICC, AyT, khFIOF, qQK, nkJ, KFg, PBvqn, iGEnGo, lMDBo,