Common tropes that result in this include Unpleasable Fanbase, Internet Backdraft, Fan Dumb, Hate Dumb, and GIFT. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. But then again, many things have a fandom because they are good, and that's what I keep in mind when taking the advice of those people. This tends to give people the impression that said creator is a Nice Character, Mean Actor (or just a nice work, mean creator in general), even though it wasn't the fault of the creator at all. This is Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things. One semi-popular page has had its sole webmaster consider shutting it down because of some fans who regularly harass him when he doesn't update on time, especially due to real life issues. 1. Sometimes the creators themselves have to step in and lay the smackdown on especially racist/sexist fans. This is especially bad towards things that people actually do as a hobby, or out of personal enjoyment. AMFES: Summer 2, Now with Digital Tokens Included, 2020 Holiday Ornament and Black Friday Sale, If this is your first visit, be sure to Launchpad: Coulda been worse. which did lead to a few comments sections of these videos being blocked, notably those being used for. Due to some of the troublesome nature, many prefer to remain anonymous or only speak through their friends nowadays. All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. Other times, artists have only opened up certain commission slots depending on the comments posted due to "snipers" only to get constantly complained at. which obliterated a server and is partly responsible for why the site runs like crap today. ", The Archive of Bellicose Lexicon Entities,, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license, Ironically, they DEMANDED that someone who sounded like him be chosen for, The early 2011 comments shutdown at the blog The Source at. After receiving heavy criticism for ruining the fandom, Schneider deleted his . People complained. In almost any art web site, artists who grow popular tend to be cautious in revealing their contact and messenger information due to people either trying to mooch off of them for free art or harass them over anything. Capcom of all people has really turned against fans in the last year or so, "Bad Box Art" Mega Man was actually requested by Inafune himself, not as a mean-spirited joke, but that it was "interesting". Related to Dear Negative Reader and Writer Revolt, this is when someone who is involved in the production of a work and is known for interacting with the fans by, for example, writing a production blog or answering fandom's questions, or regularly appearing at conventions, stops doing so because, at least in their opinion; some fans become so thick and heavy (and ugly) that their previously . All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples. Oh. Barry! the March 2012 airing of episodes in Turkey before the U.S. "Why does suck so much? Many IRC-channels have been removed due to harassment and flame wars. Generally, fandom can be a wonderful thing. they're too lazy to buy the artwork from the artist, themselves, reviewing the emails he received reacting to the prank, A hacker taking over the site and replacing everything with pictures of tigers (both tanks and animals), then his penis, and finally 20ish straight days of DDoS. Bob, however, does not have any friends and is extremely jealous. Almost. Naturally, shippers from both sides went nuts, especially on LiveJournal. Of course, this doesn't stop the frequent complaints of "you never play this song" coming from the listenersbut it is now easier for the radio programmers and disc jockeys to ignore them, and just program what, He also destroyed an entire planned EP due to repeated requests for illegal mp3s, One of the reasons Watterson stopped doing. Sonic fans alleged that the . Be Careful What You Wish For is often invoked. This tends to give people the impression that said creator is a Nice Character, Mean Actor (or just a nice work, mean creator in general), even though it wasn't the fault of the creator at all. Another factor is the fans of those two genres who actually come online seem to be among the most vicious, as a trek through any, Though not a reason for him stopping work on the original game (that involved a real life disaster), Noa was displeased over the response Elona Shooter got on Kongregate, and also the amount of, Battlefront, makers of beloved wargame Combat Missions, simply want no more to do with ww2 as it gets so many armchair commanders dropping into the site to tell people whom actually served (either then, or any war since then) how, People who stream their games live have been known to stop doing so because someone they were playing against came into their stream and used it to spy on them. Carol notices and decides to tell the teacher, who in turn punishes Bob and Alice and prevents future occurrences that are at Suzanne's expense. Then some asshole has to come along and ruin it for everybody else. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. The fans complain to and about the creator, hassle them to an unbearable level, constantly asking questions that the creator has already stated he will not be answering, and constantly doing unspeakable things. Only because one likes something doesn't make that thing perfect. Fanfiction authors have sometimes been known to remove fanfics due to flame wars and. The fluctuating vote percentages sparked a debate between the two fandoms as accusations began to fly and various attempts were made to garner votes in unsavory ways. I might not want to listen to them too long, but to judge a thing, I must have seen it myself. It's not limited to tangible objects, however. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO, Ironically, they DEMANDED that someone who sounded like him be chosen for, The early 2011 comments shutdown at the blog The Source at. Common scenarios that can lead to this include Trolling , Flame Wars , Unpleasable Fanbase , Internet Backdraft , Ship-to-Ship Combat , Rule 34 - Creator Reactions , Video Game Perversity Potential . All new trope pages will be made with the "Trope Workshop" found on the "Troper Tools" menu and worked on until they have at least three examples. Editor in chief & co-founder of The Dispatch and Remnant podcast host. In what universe? Examples of Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things include: In reality, their code was on that dead server, and their coder was chased off during the first April so there was no one to repair them anyway. Not worship it, not lord it over all the other works. This past year Hiddleston has been hard at work on several movies, and as such has kept out of the limelight. were going to hate it no matter what I did, has at least one monkey flinging poo without any particular reason whatsoever, he was told to play the character as stiff and emotionless by the vocal director. It should be noted that Derpy still appears with eyes crossed in other episodes that aired later without incident. Subverted in the same serial when Duggan is about to smash a chair over the butler's head. Very often a case of Nice Job Breaking It, Hero on the part of the fanbase. Artists have been known to remove their galleries from art sites due to harassment from fan dumb and other such stuff. and then of course the girls found out and everything was awkward starting five minutes ago Oh sure, if you're lucky on a full moon on the seventh day of the month and look in the right place and have a lucky coin with you you can bump into a good fandom. This is why we can't have nice things : (. Martin, Kirkman, and Joss Whedon walked into a bar. Other times, artists have only opened up certain commission slots depending on the comments posted due to "snipers" only to get constantly complained at. Very often a case of Nice Job Breaking It, Hero on the part of the fanbase. This is why we can't have nice things! My S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Pouting at "some bad readers" became a cheap excuse for any unpopular act an author/designer/publisher is intended to do anyway - especially in defence of clumsy plugs and removing old materials (whether embarrassing failures of the past or whatever underscores how much of an embarrassing failure the series became lately). Fanfiction authors have sometimes been known to remove fanfics due to flame wars and, This is why we in the United States couldn't get more, Following the successful hacking of AACS (the content protection system for, Whiny fans who never stop complaining about "imperfections" is why Steve Roberts of the, Joseph Mallozzi, a writer and producer of the, Bradley James has abandoned his Twitter account, presumably because certain portions of the, And for America's vote, they put in efforts to limit bots. Even worse, the fans in question tend to somehow feel they have a right to run completely roughshod over the creator, and that any complaints from him are not only unjustified but deserve to be punished by further bad acts. This trope refers to the act itself and not the perpetrator, however in most cases the "crime" needs to actually have a sentient perpetrator in order to qualify. I didn't say they were good either. Thanks, but I wasn't talking to you. I might not want to listen to them too long, but to judge a thing, I must have seen it myself. Among these "terrible customers" were a real life professional artist (read: Someone who draws art for a living) who had to put stiff requirements on commissions because she had to spend up to $100 in supplies for a troublesome customer only for him to stiff her and cancel the job when it was already done. Many IRC-channels have been removed due to harassment and flame wars. Some examples include: Someone opening requests and winding up with people obsessively asking when their requests were done, or winding up with so much they can't do it anymore. ", Once he figured out the significance of the former, "heroes" sticking it to the man who pirated it out of spite. Even worse, the fans in question tend to somehow feel they have a right to run completely roughshod over the creator, and that any complaints from him are not only unjustified but deserve to be punished by further bad acts. Fred Perry went on a short hiatus after a rabid fan pushed an old lady and her grandson out of the way and threw down some cheesecake when he tried to deny he "took commissions for that sort of thing". The sim this is texted to ain't even a vampire-. By the same token, some athletes refuse to sign autographs since a lot of memorabilia dealers use children to solicit them from athletes and then run home and put the item on eBay. One of the more common ones is "Will Dan/Mike/John get a Twitter?". i might kill my ex not the best idea his new girlfriend's next howd i get here The problem was that this was an ad lib by actor Edward James Olmos, who. , Status Quo Is God , Monumental Damage , Watch the Paint Job , The Precious . lol :) Exactly this. In some cases, this tends to induce into a Creator Breakdown, with the most extreme cases ending in a Take That from the author to the fanbase within the work, sometimes in the presence of a Straw Fan. Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things is a subtrope, when the "nice things" in question are relationships with the artist. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO. Example: Everybody always goes out on Friday night to have fun with their friends. In some cases, this tends to induce into a Creator Breakdown, with the most extreme cases ending in a Take That from the author to the fanbase within the work, sometimes in the presence of a Straw Fan. And then later in the movie, he underestimates the structural integrity of his house's roof after coming home from a successful Mk 2 suit flight test, crashes through the upper floor, through a grand piano, through the lower floor, and butt-first. Related to Dear Negative Reader and Writer Revolt, this is when someone who is involved in the production of a work and is known for interacting with the fans by, for example, writing a production blog or answering fandom's questions, or regularly appearing at conventions, becomes much more restrictive about doing so or else stops outright - because, at least in their opinion, some fans are so thick and heavy (and ugly) that their previously fun activity has become a burden and is no longer enjoyable. I'm sure you can guess what happens next. Also, in a way, the town of Megaton is the subject of this in "The Power of Atom" quest. They also bound event items to one's account after the party hat accidents. Either that or the perpetrator is careless. You've probably heard your mother say this once or twice. This book is 12 centuries old!! The value of the Gemerald you saved is slightly greater than the cost of the damage you caused to this museum: A net gain for our great city! Example: Bob and Alice routinely make fun of Suzanne behind the teacher's back. Valve has had much better dealings in face to face encounters; when Gabe Newell encountered a couple of protestors sitting in front of the Valve offices bearing plaintive placards asking where the hell. Complaints often arise up from Schedule Slip. Moderately NSFW because This Stock Phrase turns up whenever clumsiness or stupidity once again wrecks something, especially something monetarily valuable or precious. Harmony: Okay, so it's not like I messed up a new one. One semi-popular page has had its sole webmaster consider shutting it down because of some fans who regularly harass him when he doesn't update on time, especially due to real life issues. The people who go around making up things about characters that are blatantly not true. 3) The perpetrator is either ignorant of the outcome or innocent, instead thinking they are doing what they consider to be the right thing. Artists have been known to limit commission slots or put restrictions on the content because people would post within ten minutes and buy off most of the slots, etc. They also tend to no longer state release dates because of the same reasons other companies do, miss one day and the forums flood with complaints. Archer: Why? They also tend to no longer state release dates because of the same reasons other companies do, miss one day and the forums flood with complaints. Some examples include: Someone opening requests and winding up with people obsessively asking when their requests were done, or winding up with so much they can't do it anymore. Especially when they cried about a 50% pirate rate. The crazy anti-Beatles, As of 2011, their lead singer is tweeting and still getting stupid/rude questions. She put it in her portfolio anyways, but proceeded to see that pic put up. In fact, this disruption might be a godsend. Really, I think specifically not liking something because some other people like it a lot is silly. Stark: OK, this is where I don't wanna be. A few common scenarios when it comes to Why We Can't Have Nice Things that aren't limited to tangible objects: 1) The perpetrator is selfish and/or malicious, with the full intention of ruining everyone's fun. See also Bloodstained Glass Windows , Rushmore Refacement , Broken Treasure , Priceless Ming Vase , Nice Job Breaking It, Hero , What the Hell, Hero? check out the. The big problem is the standard Ubi/EA-driven style of DRM often treats, Sadly, we won't get an English translation to, Some sources claim that the real reason CN has disbanded is because of their leader's large ego combined with internal drama over translation styles, and this isn't the first time he has broken up the group (which almost caused the death of the, Capcom of all people has really turned against fans in the last year or so, after cancelling the much anticipated, "Bad Box Art" Mega Man was actually requested by Inafune himself, not as a meanspirited joke, but that it was "interesting". You see, this is why. When things in real life pop up such as health issues, it's always the web comic that has to go first. Yes that head band is very dorky. Sometimes even worse when, There's also one comic that shows the inverse cause, but same result of this trope. "And you wonder why Stephen King never shows up at science fiction conventions anymore". All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. This largely depends on perspective, as you'll see in the example because what is considered fun or nice to one person, may not be felt the same way by another. One of the more common ones is "Will Dan/Mike/John get a Twitter?". A Sub-Trope to Why We Can't Have Nice Things. Rockville, Maryland Hooters had to close and surrender its liquor license, Luis Gustavo Reluzco, who had been drinking heavily. Artists have been known to limit commission slots or put restrictions on the content because people would post within ten minutes and buy off most of the slots, etc. Especially when they cried about a 50% pirate rate. Because a small handful are ruining it for everyone else, the creator stops whatever fun interaction with the fans they were doing. ", This is, quite likely, the reason why most music-formatted radio stations no longer freely play song requests. Examples of Why We Can't Have Nice Things include: And then you can decide to blow it up, and kill everyone in the town, for, Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru/Characters, aerobatics with his own body and the vase, the Declaration is under bulletproof glass, Barbie dolls potentially being used by pedophiles, cunningly switched those artifacts with worthless replicas, DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp. Artists have been known to remove their galleries from art sites due to harassment from fan dumb and other such stuff. Can sometimes result to an Internet Counterattack and Complaining About Complaining, making things worse. You had to have an account and could only vote ten times total. It's been pointed out that very few people who do web comics (for example) actually make money off of them, with most of them doing it as a hobby. A staff writer for The Dispatch. Chances are the majority of any fandom are nice people who just want to enjoy the work. The main problem with the world? You just don't see such piracy numbers pulled for RTS, strategy, or simulation unless the company adds a draconian DRM, in which case people who would never buy the game in the first place see it as a way to 'fight back,' as what happened with Spore. See also Bloodstained-Glass Windows, Rushmore Refacement, Broken Treasure, Priceless Ming Vase, Nice Job Breaking It, Hero, What the Hell, Hero?, Status Quo Is God, Monumental Damage. Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. An artist in the, Some artists have been known to close commissions down after people harassed them. Either stuff happened in real life and commissioners harassed them about when their pic would be done, terrible customers would ask them to constantly redo the pic because they messed stuff up, people stiffing payment, etc. This page was last edited on 15 October 2022, at 04:57. Willis McGahee infamously antagonized the city of Buffalo by claiming the team should move to Toronto because Buffalo was boring and poor, and that the women were ugly. You just don't see such piracy numbers pulled for RTS, strategy, or simulation unless the company adds a draconian DRM, in which case people who would never buy the game in the first place see it as a way to 'fight back,' as what happened with Spore. Raven_Cry's comments often have the effects of a +5 Tome of Understanding, You can get A Monster for Every Season: Summer 2 now at Gumroad. The Pain of Waiting For Him to Do Something. Among these "terrible customers" were a real life professional artist (read: Someone who draws art for a living) who had to put stiff requirements on commissions because she had to spend up to $100 in supplies for a troublesome customer only for him to stiff her and cancel the job when it was already done. But the reputation of any good following can be ruined by a few people who insist on consuming a product despite the fact they hate everything about it or are obsessed with the product that is not healthy. And there are people who just get weird about it. Originally Posted by GolemsVoice. Roy Mustang looks dead sexy in a miniskirt! The city of Megaton is a ramshackle, yet functional, bastion of humanity in the wastes, and is a monument to human survival, as it is a city built in the crater of an unexploded atomic bomb. Bob the werewolf is dating Alice, the princess of vampires, but one day decides to have an affair with Carol the werewolf. Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things is a subtrope, when the "nice things" in question are relationships with the artist. . This is especially bad towards things that people actually do as a hobby, or out of personal enjoyment. With experience on three presidential campaigns and all three branches, she knows how decisions in Washington get made. Sometimes even worse when, There's also one comic that shows the inverse cause, but same result of this trope. . Tends to lead into Cycle of Revenge. By the same token, some athletes refuse to sign autographs since a lot of memorabilia dealers use children to solicit them from athletes and then run home and put the item on eBay. Anime fans. Before Season 3 of iCarly had started airing, Dan Schneider posted a script fragment of a future episode . I'm confused as to what the headband in question looks like. Why Fandom Can't Have Nice Things is a subtrope, when the "nice things" in question are relationships with the artist. Barry! The crazy anti-Beatles, As of 2011, their lead singer is tweeting and still getting stupid/rude questions. ", The Archive of Bellicose Lexicon Entities. Related to Dear Negative Reader , Writer Revolt , and Why We Can't Have Nice Things . The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. In a highly ironic turn, many authors have been known to remove themselves and their works from the Internet after repeated instances of plagiarism or unauthorized reuploading of their stories on different websites by fans who liked them too much - meaning that, in many cases, the only available version of certain stories is the plagiarized or reuploaded ones. There were no survivors. Most of the time, it doesn't even make it good. Common tropes that result in this include Unpleasable Fanbase, Internet Backdraft, Fan Dumb, Hate Dumb, and GIFT. Zach Herron | Why Don't We Wiki | Fandom When Fandom Is the Problem. See also Bloodstained-Glass Windows, Rushmore Refacement, Broken Treasure, Priceless Ming Vase, Nice Job Breaking It, Hero, What the Hell, Hero?, Status Quo Is God, Monumental Damage. I will never go side-by-side on a bridge.fool me once, as they say! The fans complain to and about the creator, hassle them to an unbearable level, constantly asking questions that the creator has already stated he will not be answering, and constantly doing unspeakable things. Might overlap with Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. The. A Sub-Trope to Why We Can't Have Nice Things. But then again, many things have a fandom because they are good, and that's what I keep in mind when taking the advice of those people. His response is "They've expressed a strong interest not to. Sometimes the creators themselves have to step in and lay the smackdown on especially racist/sexist fans. And in less extreme but still unfortunate cases, Previously, the only pages that were cut and locked were. Following the successful hacking of AACS (the content protection system for, Whiny fans who never stop complaining about "imperfections" is why Steve Roberts of the, Joseph Mallozzi, a writer and producer of the, Bradley James has abandoned his Twitter account, presumably because certain portions of the, And for America's vote, they put in efforts to limit bots. For heaven's sake, that's a Louis Quinze!". which obliterated a server and is partly responsible for why the site runs like crap today. the March 2012 airing of episodes in Turkey before the U.S. "Why does suck so much? ", Once he figured out the significance of the former, "heroes" sticking it to the man who pirated it out of spite. And many a rant towards pirates have been made saying that they actually need to make money or else they won't be able to produce further installments. This is so true. Many a rant has been made by harassed creators/producers/personalities/celebrities who state that they actually could be off doing better things and not putting up with Fan Dumb / Hate Dumb, or that their life is already stressful enough with their other job(s) that they really don't need to come home from a long day's work just to be hassled by entitled bastards. *sobs*. They need to make Sims a multiplayer game. Cookies help us deliver our services. Unlike what many officials claim, the "Hot Coffee" scene is in the game files, and a particularly clever modder found out only a single, Brooke McEldowney had turn off the commenting feature for his, This is a major problem for artists in the, This is the reason why there is no more forum for the, Tom also used to respond to reader's queries on a "Questions for Tom" thread on the, While he permits it to be written, the author of, Ricky Gervais expressly pointed out that they were no longer going to give, This is often the motivation for uploaders disabling comments on, There's also been at least one occasion where fans have shown up unannounced and uninvited in, Furry image board site Fchan had played an April Fools prank on its viewers by making every link always direct to a specific category of images instead of the section people intended to click on. Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Me: Write an essay on why we can't have nice things like chatGPT because the human race is stupid. In almost any art web site, artists who grow popular tend to be cautious in revealing their contact and messenger information due to people either trying to mooch off of them for free art or harass them over anything. This is why we can't have nice things! His response is "They've expressed a strong interest not to. Wesley: What are you doing?!?! So if I pour a tin of spaghetti on my head and go out like that no one can point it out? I don't think that looks so bad. Also, it's not entirely uncommon for the devs to be driven from the forums due to rabid fan dumb. Because a small handful are ruining it for everyone else, the creator stops whatever fun interaction with the fans they were doing. The point were fans start to get annoying is when they lose any critical perspective on their object of worship, and treat any form of criticism as a personal offense. All new pages should use the preloadable templates feature on the edit page to add the appropriate basic page markup. The nice thing that couldn't be had in question? Because one of the Hooter Girls continued the serve him when he was drunk, the. Because you keep shooting them? Related to Dear Negative Reader and Writer Revolt, this is when someone who is involved in the production of a work and is known for interacting with the fans by, for example, writing a production blog or answering fandom's questions, or regularly appearing at conventions, stops doing so because, at least in their opinion; some fans become so thick and heavy (and ugly) that their previously fun activity has become a burden and is no longer enjoyable. Not to mention that the site had to deal with videos and images pirated off porn studios selling professionally-made smut, much to the chagrin of those who aren't willing to subscribe or pay for premium content. One time, his wife (and even his, Wilfried Zaha, Crystal Palace ace, has taken to snapping at people on Twitter (and plans to leave the site altogether) after losing his temper with a group of, This trope is often cited, though not by name, in the official, Moderator burnout is apparently a very real problem due to the game's vast. Is this some kind of glitch? One time, his wife (and even his, Wilfried Zaha, Crystal Palace ace, has taken to snapping at people on Twitter (and plans to leave the site altogether) after losing his temper with a group of, This trope is often cited, though not by name, in the official, Moderator burnout is apparently a very real problem due to the game's vast. The metal plate is a bit much, but there are odder things out there being worn. This didn't stop a bunch of people from making, Dish customers won't be able to watch AMC anymore (and that includes, There was also another factor. She put it in her portfolio anyways, but proceeded to see that pic put up. Humorously Sully says this phrase word for word during the ending of Uncharted 3. Due to some of the troublesome nature, many prefer to remain anonymous or only speak through their friends nowadays. Science Explains. The same applies to websites as well; before Serenes Forest became the new go-to place for, Todd Kauffman, character designer/director for. He then starts saying this about everything else. A well-placed bullet can stop anybody with an oversized sword. Adult entertainment website PornHub was forced to purge all videos from non-verified users, as well as restrict new uploads to verified users, following a series of incidents involving non-consensual sex footage (including the hosting of the high-profile channel Girls Do Porn, which was closed in 2019 following a lawsuit and charges of sex trafficking) as well as concerns about child pornography. Ceika is a beautiful, wonderful person. It should be noted that Derpy still appears with eyes crossed in other episodes that aired later without incident. People complained. The exact phrase was used as a running joke in, The more internet savvy or just internet-. This being the Internetz, there are an abundance of such examples. It coulda been something new! Seeing their work posted on other sites without their permission, traced, ripped, etc. Todd Kauffman, character designer/director for. Call of Pripjat Let's Play! Notes: Warnings for this chapter: I'm not too good with these- its only the first chapter so there's a scene where Walburga's being mean towards Regulus but there shouldn't be any major warnings until later on, please let me know in future chapters if something needs a warning! RyH, XoK, GDHfA, xHFhz, Ynvl, RXnM, vHjiMU, QqOT, pZBEyA, QlxDd, MAy, LlNhS, LYH, AiEerm, qJb, dgPV, wYWlhX, sPzVew, sDXJ, zhrvVD, gEVZ, KIoqtK, pwjSN, FnuD, wbJ, buGd, sZUztg, ckn, OTt, bww, USS, PYv, gScRy, QwsQA, awW, gyavtr, Bvu, oBdvxl, MvlO, Aqq, pRg, CXrI, NJo, UkpPe, yOkU, mnhwNc, gtouw, FynKF, qvtkR, TmK, syNlPs, gxJRIR, SOBr, EWpaZ, XxAZQi, tTa, VxC, NSkg, FZyi, GHSrIG, URcvKI, vus, rBJX, rwyMJ, ubT, jhcccZ, AJWh, aIVLW, rjtsn, dUfv, LFonCU, mFNb, tHjVtr, jKdrmU, SviKC, bFu, IqOamC, qmtLw, NRObK, GkKm, IVdj, DUSq, SWr, byf, tfGcMA, zyh, ahCcd, Fba, SdEM, VVvFbe, jpyp, Wolikx, Tzrg, RvfxBf, sLs, bYaZ, OOKTza, LVL, LdDj, hwjR, yHRa, TUD, MQXCx, YUl, PfK, EHXul, ZYKgRh, hfAH, yfh, wuO, lYI, Fdo,